Where to begin after my very busy weekend away in the lovely setting of Warwickshire at Dallas Burston Polo Club ?
I have to say how absolutely beautiful it is there, Carl couldn't have picked a better place to go for Jakeira polo teams first tournament away from home turf.
We approached the weekend with scorching temperatures and gorgeous sunshine so we hoped that it would stay dry!
Steph, Emma and I drove up in the car and left the boys to bring the horses, as not room for all us in the lorry! We arrived nice and early, so got to have a good look at the grounds, scope out where everything was and be settled ready for when the horses arrived.
Our deciding match would be held on their silver grounds, which was just off from the very large events center, on a gorgeous good grass covered pitch.
We sat briefly watching another match enjoying the sun, getting the horses ready and setting up for the match.
Annoyingly there were a lot of horse flies around so our first priority was making sure all the horses had a good covering of fly spray and to be vigilant for them biting the horses.
Time seemed to tick by and in no time the horses had their tails beautifully plaited, bandages applied and tack on so just before 5pm the riders mounted and made their way onto the pitch ready for their match against Dallas Burston Polo Clubs very own team.
Doesn't everyone look smart!? L - R: Carl Harris, Emma Darrington, Francis Molyneux & Phil Seller.
They started with a half goal advantage and right off the whistle Jakeira were on fire and within just a few minutes were already up to 2 1/2 to DBPC's 0.
A great start and everyone had to just keep their heads, keep with their opposing player and 'want it.'
Within the 7 minutes of the first chukka Jakeira were steaming ahead scoring another goal and making their goal count 3 1/2. If they could keep this up they were got to get to the final of their division! Players, grooms and supporters alike we're willing them to win!
A quick switch of ponies and a drink of water later the team made their way back onto the pitch. It seemed from my opinion Dallas Burston PC had under estimated Jakeira, so they came back with a new found enthusiasm. They were a lot more feisty in the second chukka, so how would this chukka go? Would Jakeira still lead? Phil cantered his way towards the goal and clouted the ball. The goal judge waved the flag and to our excitement we clapped and whooped as we were up to 4 1/2, only to be told moments after that it was in fact, just wide.
In the mean time DBPC managed to score a goal bring their score up to 1.
But not to be deterred Jakeira reformed, and scored making now officially 4 1/2.
Third chukka and the heat was draining, but Jakeira had fresh ponies ready and lot's of water on hand to keep the players fresh!
Jakeira, with the absolute will to win away from home, meant that within minutes Emma Darrington clouted the ball up the pitch towards the goal and with no-one to defend it and her opposing teams player nowhere to be seen, she skillfully tapped the ball a couple of times and into the goal it went, bringing Jakeira ahead by 5 1/2 to DBPCs 1. Although they were not to be deterred as DBPC had a spurt of enthusiasm and got a goal in, bring them up to 2 goals but they were still 3 1/2 goals down and flagging.
With the whistle blowing it bought the end of the third chukka and with just one final chukka, team Jakeira had to keep their lead for that 7 minutes!
Could Dallas Burston Polo Club members make up the goal difference to claw back the lead? We all watched on anxiously..
Jakeira knew they were ahead and skillfully marked the opposing teams players, kept them off the ball and defended well, so when 7 minutes was over and the whistle blew everyone knew we had done it! Jakeira were through the final in Sundays Fine & Country gold cup day to battle it out for the July Cup!
As the evening brought cooler weather, all horses were washed off, made comfortable and taken to beautiful flowing grass fields with grass up to my knee!
The Jakeira herd making their way to the field! I'm up the front somewhere leading 4 very well behaved ponies!
Players sorted, tack put away safely, bandages were re-rolled up ready for tomorrow's match and finally everyone could make their way to their suites to have well earned shower! We were very lucky that King Carl (Team patron Carl Harris) sorted us out with some very swanky accommodation. When told earlier in the week we were staying in the scoreboards at a polo club, I was thinking it would be a bed in a wodden hut where you hang the polo scores on while you play. But at Dallas Burston Polo Club I could not have been more wrong.
They were executive suite apartments and absolutely beautiful ones at that! Just look at it!
With beautiful spotless rooms, and a ginormous upstairs lounge and kitchen I felt in positive luxury. I mean my 2 bedroom flat in Newmarket is gorgeous and I love it, don't get me wrong.. but these apartments made me not want to go home!
Scoreboard apartments, function and fancy!
After everyone had showered, cleaned up and smart clothes put on, at 9pm and utterly famished we whizzed off to join a large group for dinner at a local Greek restaurant.
And after 4 very enjoyable courses, good conversation, we were ready for bed! Tactics discussed over dinner, game faces were on for the morning.
Very lucky me I got a bit of a lay in after some broken sleep. I made my way up to the kitchen to warm up my breakfast to see Francis cantering round on Boo! Oh I didn't mention the view, how could I have forgotten. Look at it and take it all in...
"Oh hey Francis!"
To the right were all the wonderful tents and stalls ready for a busy day, and to the left was the gorgeous club house.
I wanted so much to watch from the balcony and had every intention to, but the want to be down with the ponies where I feel most at home was just too strong to resist.
I made my way down past the club house to watch a little of the match Carl and Phil were umpiring before their match and to see our lovely Jakeira ponies. How I love them all, they're such sweet little people (don't tell me you don't see your horses as little people with personalities, it's not just me!)
Tails up, bandages immaculate, Jakeira numnah's on they looked so smart and ready for their match!
As the other match drew to a close, our riders got on to warm up and let the horses see the boards around the edge, and get used to the spectators.
My slightly blurry picture does not do justice to just how many people were lining both sides of the pitch, with their lovely looking picnics and gorgeous outfits!
I'd estimate that around 3000 - 5000 people were now around to watch Jakeiras match against Marstons.
This was by far the biggest crowd they'd ever played against. This wasn't a local tournament but a big fancy affair!
Sadly I don't have a lot of pictures from their match, mainly because I was too busy live tweeting the match and helping swap ponies over between chukkas, but let me describe it for you..
With Marstons team being evenly matched with Jakeiras both teams started on 'the level playing field' of 0 goals each. No goal advantage here!
Marstons started the first chukka off absolutely blazing. It was obvious this team were very experienced playing with each other as they knew where each other were going to be straight away, they marked aggressively barely letting any of Jakeira out of their sight and frustraingly for all, they scored 2 goals in the first chukka. This match was not going to be like yesterdays that soon became clear. It was to be much faster and scrappier!
Jakeira, not to be walked on, scored a goal in the first chukka but with the minutes counting down the whistle blew after 7 minutes and Marstons were ahead by a goal.
Trotting back to the pony lines for fresh horses I think everyone was in a bit of shock but Jakeira were determined to step it up a gear and into the second chukka they'd scored another goal just after Marstons, meaning both teams were now on 3 goals each.
It was evident that both teams really wanted this win!
On fresh ponies for the third chukka and Jakeira kicked it up a gear. Francis after loosing the ball just in front of the goal was determined in his second opportunity and clouted the ball through the goal bringing Jakeira just head 4 goals to 3. Everyone absolutely longing for them to win, we watched on tentatively!
Marstons scored bringing them ahead of us again making it 4 -4. And after lining back up for a throw in Marstons got the ball, ran with it and scored just seconds after, bringing them now ahead with 5 goals to Jakeiras 4. It was gonna be extremely close as everyone wanted this match a lot, neither were going down without a fight!
The whistle blew and the third chukka had started, backwards and forwards the ball went from one end to the other as both teams tried desperately to score.
Jakeira getting a great goal meant we'd equalised and were now 5 -5 to both teams. I think we all knew off the bat it was going to be a close match but this was nerve wracking to watch!
About a minute before the final whistle ending the 3rd chukka and Jakeira scored bring them now a goal ahead of Marstons going into the fourth and final chukka, 6 goals to Marstons 5.
Just as the team went back onto the pitch I heard Phil say to the rest of the team "we're ahead but play like we're 2 goals down" and that is exactly what they went out and did!
They held off the opposing team and with 30 seconds on the board and the notifying claxon telling everyone just 30 seconds left Jakeira scored and they were 2 goals ahead, with 7 goals to Marstons 5. The figurative final furlong was within sight, they just had to hold off Marstons and keep their lead.
The whistle went and with applause from the crowd and whoops and cheers from the Jakeira family, they'd only gone and won their biggest tournament yet and their first away from home!
Carl dismounted to basically kiss the ground, leaving his horse to trot back to Stephanie at the pony lines, and the rest trotted back all smiles to lots of praise and applause. Everyone was in absolutely shock I think, I certainly was!
Winners! With Carl minus his horse!
After lot's of discussion about how the team went, horses were quickly loaded on the lorry so Phil could get back to play at CCPC, Lode but with just enough time to go down to the club house for prize giving!
As their names were read out, each player made their way up to be presented with their prize of a bottle of Prosecco and a brand new whip!
Pausing so we could all get photos of course!
I do have to say how proud I am of everyone on this team. They only really formed at the start of the season, a couple of months ago and to win at their first big tournament was a real achievement and all credit is due to them. Everyone has worked really hard so they really deserved it.
And to the grooms who care for the horses and turn them out spectacularly no matter where they're playing!
With the presentation done and ponies either on their way home or tucked up in a field munching grass we grabbed the opportunity to get a drink at the beautiful bar, grab a steak burger (which was delicious) and watch a little of the other matches.
As the weather took an unfortunately turn of looking very dark and threatened to rain the whole team took the opportunity to head to our scoreboard suites to watch from inside or on the balcony.
Thanks to Steven Harriss of SH photography, who have kindly given me permission to use this photo and some others above, and expertly taken I must say!
Steven has a whole gallery of hundreds of photos from this weekend, all available for a very reasonable price. Please head over to his facebook (linked above) to view them.
Unfortunately the rain was well and truly set in and with the deluge that followed meant that sadly most people packed up their picnics and called it a day. And with time ticking on we too packed up our bags, cleared the rooms and loaded the cars for our journey home.
Which was spent talking about the weekend, whats next to come and how much we enjoyed it.
Thank you so much to Carl and Joanna Harris for inviting me to come up for the weekend, it was a privilege and a pleasure, I hope you'll have me again. To Steph and Francis for taking me there and being wonderful friends. To Jade, Emma, Emily, and Phil for being my lovely friends and making this weekend so wonderful!
I can't wait for the next one!
Until next time
Sophie x
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