Saturday, 30 May 2015

Suffolk Show - A Dream Finally Comes True

Well what a lovely week I picked to have off work, it's been (mainly) nice weather, and i've spent it waking up late, riding horses and of course going to Suffolk Show on Thursday.

So where to start.. 4am on Thursday should do it. Mum and Georgie woke me up at 4am, while i'm sound asleep on the sofa bed at my parents house. I stayed over at theirs rather than driving blurry eyed from mine in Newmarket.

At that time in the morning it was unusually mild, so after putting on jeans and a sweater I made my way outside. Admittedly I was a little sluggish at getting up so Mum and Georgie already had B in with his breakfast and had started plaiting. With that I decided I'd take up the very important job of packing up the car! Important as if I forgot to pack anything, it would be on my head! And like a tetris master I packed that car with 2 saddles, 2 bridles, a girth, all of Georgie's show gear - jackets, shirts, jodhpurs, ties, Georgie's riding hat, my beagler and show ring grooms clothes, boots (that I expertly polished if I do say so myself) and the most important thing... food! 
Then I got to packing up the grooming kit with everything I could ever need. Especially my Smart Grooming products!

At around 5.45am after B had been plaited and polished we loaded him in the trailer and set off towards Ipswich to the Trinity Park showground.
It was a lovely morning, sun out but ever so slightly brisk when the sun hid behind the clouds.
We were parked out the way in a beautiful spot near some shady trees and parked just a row from Tim Stockdale and John Whitaker by the looks of their enormous lorries.  We made our way off to get Georgie's number and see what was going on. We'd never actually been to a show this big before and had always dreamed of winning at County level. We've done Great Gransden show in Cambridgeshire, and Wayland Show in Norfolk which are quite large, but compared to Suffolk County Show they're about 1/3 of the size. 

B was quite on his toes so we tacked him up and took him for a walk to take in the busy bustling surroundings and chill out.  After about 15 minutes of schooling with G, Beanie soon realised he needed to behave and calmed down. He got back to the box thinking he was done for the day! 

Mum, Georgie and I had time for a quick cup of tea and some food before it was all hands on deck.
We first studded B's back shoes as, although the ground wasn't too hard, there was a lot of slippery grass coverage so to make sure we had no slipping in the ring, it was the best thing to do.
A little bit of sprucing and his quarter marks done - which shone beautifully in the sun, Georgie got herself ready, I tacked up Beanie in his lovely showing saddle and double bridle and he was all set.

Ready to go I legged G up and off we went to find our ring and take it all in.
The walk was a little way but we got a good look at the Working Hunter ring where Georgie would be doing her ROR Challenge class later in the day and arrived at the warm up arena - It was packed with show horses and in the other half some of the best show jumpers in the UK by the height of the warm up fences. They were enormous!

With the show running like clockwork the stewards ushered everyone into the Trinity Ring (The second main ring) for the Retraining of Racehorses & Tattersalls Show Series class. There were approximately 15 horses in the class, and nearly all of them were very excited and on their toes.
Now, I know I am biased but to Beanie's credit he was a superstar in the ring. The vast majority of horses were jogging, mini rearing, going sideways or otherwise not doing what they were told to. There were also horses everywhere - overtaking, cutting people up or trying to get in front of the judge but to Georgie's credit she used her corners, didn't cut anyone up and just kept out the way on her own and it obviously paid off. One small hiccup of B lunging forward when asked to canter coincided with a chainsaw demonstration starting, but a split second after he was back cantering fluidly.

It came time for the judges to call people into the lineup. Georgie was pulled into 4th and I made my way into the ring to help.

I did a little faffing removing B's slobber, getting a bit of sweat off and lengthened stirrups ready for the ride judge.
We all stood patiently watching as the first 3 horses were ridden. Then came the moment of truth and the ride Judge got on. With our hearts in our mouth we watched..
I don't know who was more nervous Georgie or me as we stood internally wishing B to be a good lad we know he is and not let the atmosphere get too much, but to his credit he was a sweetheart. He did everything asked of him, transitioned smoothly and came back foot perfect. 
I then quickly stripped him of his saddle and he was presented to the conformation judge. He stood quietly and square, then Georgie walked him away a generous length to allow for a nice long trot back the judge. He trotted impeccably and back around into the lineup. 

Now we just had to wait and hope for the best.. We had some spaces to move up if we were to win, three in fact so we just hoped we'd done enough.
After much deliberation while the horses stood up (well, some did, not the fidgeting horse doing it's best to reverse into Beanie) we were utterly gobsmacked to see Georgie had been pulled in first! 
She'd only gone and won it! Our first ever county level show and she'd won it!!

I don't think anyone could have wiped the beaming smile off my face for anything! All of us put some much time and love into Beanie it's so rewarding for it to pay off when it really matters!
We don't have our own school, or a big fancy lorry.. we're just humble amateurs who try really hard!
I am so proud of how far Georgie has come since last season! And now they're a county show winning pair! Hooray!

We walked back to the trailer to mainly smiles and hugs! We untacked B and let him eat. He didn't look like a show pony stood plated at the trailer, more like a pony club pony eating his way round the grass as far as his rope would reach. He's a funny little character that boy!
Georgie even bumped into John Whitaker and had a brief chat with him about her win and what he was doing for the day. He was a childhood legend so to meet him was very cool!

Our day wasn't over yet as Georgie still had the Challenge class to come. So after a brief lunch, a change of saddle and bridle we headed to the Working Hunter ring to walk the course and rewarm up. 
The jumps we're quite generous but not too big. Georgie headed into the ring to try and jump clear. Alas it was not to be and she had an unlucky pole, but the round as a whole was smooth and not rushed. 
My friend Michael from Lens & Hound Photography  popped over to see us and captures some lovely pictures - 

All the horses popped back into the ring for the show and conformation trot up. Georgie's show was a little too long and with a driven buggy zooming past it did just catch B and made him spook slightly but after earlier we weren't too unhappy. 
He was pulled into 4th place, but he was a good boy throughout. It was only our second Challenge class ever, so we definitely will be doing more and working on them going forward

Our whole experience of the Suffolk County show was a positive one. Everyone we encountered was friendly and kind. The stewards, the judges, even other competitors (which isn't always the case) so we drove home happy and smiling. We will absolutely be going again next year. So now just one month until the ROR final at Hickstead Derby Day, can we repeat Thursday's win and get another dream ticked off?
We shall see....

Until next time..

Sophie x

Monday, 25 May 2015

Jakeira Polo Team - Graceland Tournament

Day 1 - Jakeira vs  Mansfield Advisers

I awoke Saturday morning from a lovely lay in to see the sun shining and was instantly excited to get to Hare Park. When I arrived, annoyingly, the clouds had descended, thus making it quite chilly. But with the first match underway a steady stream of people started to arrive.

Steph and I then went down to the round pen and started getting the horses ready for their match against the Mansfield Advisers at 4pm.
I'd been very kindly sent some more products to review by Smart Grooming so we had great fun sprucing polo ponies and making them look like they should be turned out for the show ring! They looked the best ponies of the field with French plaited tailed and glossed hocks, eyes and knees! 
After tacking up the ponies and putting on the very fancy team numnah's they were all set.

The sun slowly started to come out, the heat rose and preparations for the match were underway. The team, made up of Phil Seller, Francis Molyneux, Jade Nunn, and Paul Clay looked effortlessly smart in their team kit and made their way onto the field.

Phil Seller, Paul Clay and Carl Harris

Jakeira started with a 1/2 goal advantage due to the goal difference between teams as Mansfield advisors had higher goal players.
The first chukka didn't quite go to plan as Francis got a stick in the face by the opposing team, resulting in a frustrating fat lip which isn't going to put anyone in the best frame of mind. 
And with a couple of penalties just gone wide Jakeira started the the last 2 chukkas 1 goal down.
Third chukka went more to plan with the team working better. Loads of amazing blocking done by Jade keeping Victor well away from his 4 goal player Fabio, thus keeping him from feeding the ball to him to score. And Francis working well all the time to keep on Fabio at all times, making his life hard work on the pitch.

Into the last chukka and there's a 1/2 goal in it.
I'm watching from the sidelines walking off horses when I hear from the commentary box that Jakeira fly the ball from through the goal, and they're a goal ahead! I whoop to the ponies who probably think I'm mad!
Then as I turn the corner, they're back in play and Mansfield take the lead with a goal. Gutting but it's not over yet!
Then Jakeira score again.. 
It's all to play for and with only a few minutes left now and everyone is sweating and puffing in the muggy heat! 
Then it happens, Mansfield score again, and again. There's hardly any time left on the stop watch to make up the difference..The horn sounds and it's all over. Mansfield win 8 to Jakeira's 6 1/2.

I'm gutted for them, but everyone played amazingly! There were some very obvious fouls missed by the umpires but a lot can be taken from this match and improved upon tomorrow..
Ponies are washed off, bandages rolled, tack put away and talk of tactics and what can be done different are chatted about over a BBQ and beers.
We watch the final match of the day and see that Jakeira will be up against the Buccaneers. Fingers crossed for day 2!

Day 2 - Jakeira vs The Buccaneers

The second day of the Graceland Tournament started with extremely muggy weather, over cast, hot and constantly threatening to rain. Jakeiras match was due at 3, just when we were due showers.
Ponies has been rested overnight and were tacked and ready to go. Umpires made their way onto the pitch followed by the teams, they lined up and the whistle blew to start the first chukka. Both teams were determined to try and score, riding off players and defend their goal against the opposing team so when the whistle blew to signal the end of the first chukka the Buccaneers were still on their 1/2 goal handicap advantage.

Phil Seller and Francis Molyneux firmly holding off competition from the Buccaneers

Second chukka commenced and with the whistle, the rain came. Not just a light drizzle bit proper rain. Worried for slipping ponies this chukka wasn't as fast, but having swapped onto fresh ponies and Jakeira being absolutely adamant to score this time the whole team worked together and within no time they scored not once, but twice. Leaving Jakeira 2 goals to Buccaneers starting of 1/2 goal. 

I spy a Cal Rei numnah 

A quick pony swap and onto the third Chukka. I walked Boo off to get her breath back so while walking off I watched from the very side of the pitch. Not long after the whistle Jakeira scored again making it 3 to 1/2. Then great teamwork between Francis Molyneux and Phil Seller they scored again making it 4 to 1/2. The pressure was on the Buccaneers and to their credit they did score to bring the tally to 4 goals to Jakeira and 1 1/2 to the Buccaneers.
The Buccaneers weren't going down without a fight, but with the earlier rain and the pitch a bit slippy, play was halted when Justin Bird for the Buccaneers pony slipped, legs went from underneath it, which threw Justin and then pony rolled over the top of him. Play was obviously halted and umpires and first aiders rushed onto the pitch to access the player. Much to his credit Justin walked it off and got back on, much to many applause from the viewers on the sidelines. 
Not long after the whistle went to signal the end of the third chukka with Jakeira leading.

With nerves getting tenses and players getting tired it was final pony swaps and onto the forth and final chukka. With players having the accident fresh in their minds the last chukka was intense but not as quick. Jakeira keen to keep their lead, scored again, making their lead sizable.
After a foul from a Buccaneer, team Jakeira were given a penalty and up stepped team captain Carl Harris to take the shot. With a little less oomph than i'm sure he'd of liked Carl swung and hit the ball with it rolled into the goal, it counted and it was a goal and Jakeira were now firmly ahead at 6 goals to 1 1/2. Lot's of great defending by team Jakeira meant that Buccaneers were unable to score again and with final whistle blew meant they'd won their match.

Phil and Carl discussing the match after the whistle 

I'm sure I can say that Jakeira were pleased with their win, they learnt a lot by working together and will discuss tactics for their next tournament match together. 
They should be very proud with how they did and both matches were very exciting to watch.

All photos expertly taken by Michael Lake from Lens & Hound Photography

Onto the next one!

Sophie x

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Challenge schooling with Mia Palles-Clark

What a lovely sunny weekend, it really is starting to feel like summer. Yesterday we had an impromptu lesson over in Chippenham at Oaklands with instructor Mia Palles-Clark and it turned out great.

For a couple of weeks now Georgie and I have been discussing this years show season and with B doing so well at his jumping we decided that a good thing to do more of this season is the ROR Challenge classes, as well as continuing to do some ridden showing classes, just not as many perhaps.

We got to Oaklands and got B ready and had a quick cup of tea before the lesson. Frankie came along with us and had a lovely time watching, patting dogs and eating cake Grandma made that morning. 

Frankie had a bit of a soft spot for Mia's dog Milo. They had plenty of cuddles while watching her Mum.

The lesson was to take place in an outdoor paddock school rather than a surface school, over a variety of rustic working hunter type fences which were a nice full up 90cm.

After a little warming up, schooling started testing the horses jumping over a smaller box roll top which B flew over giving an extra 2 foot or so of air. He was very pleased to be working, even after a long ride out Friday down the Roman road. He's so fit at the moment and is thriving on work.

Once all the horses and riders abilities had been viewed by Mia over the warm up fence, she then asked everyone to take it in turns to come over the back of the paddock to jump a set of upright fenced made into a double. 
Annoyingly, B's enthusiasm to jump everything like a professional show jumper meant he rushed into the double, flew the first part, but by jumping it so big meant he landed in the middle of a stride and he got a bit too deep into the second part and knocked down the top pole. 
But that meant Mia could now start giving Georgie things to work on to stop him rushing. E.g. Looking for the fence earlier, this allowing B to focus further away on what jump he's being asked to do, which in turn meant he could lock on and focus earlier without rushing. 
G came round a second time and with more focus and control he cleared both parts perfectly.

Above Mia gives Georgie advise on using her hands to bring B's head up and stop him pulling so he can see the fence earlier out.

Once everyone had jumped the double and given advise, it was time to focus on learning and linking combinations.

First over a smaller upright, round a slightly right corner to a skinny rustic upright.

B flew these beautifully and with Mia's advise about looking to the fence earlier on and using her hands to get B's head up he saw the fence earlier and popped over it no problem.

All was going well, so round the red upright, over the skinny again and onward to this wide oxer.

One thing Beanie is definitely not lacking in is scope and be flew over this no problem.
Now, saying that, B was evidentially having a lot of fun and with the standing waiting for other horses he just started to loose focus and when presented with this  big spread oxer, he rushed again and knocked the front part with his front legs.

Frustratingly G was about to come round the represent B at it hoping to clear it, only for another member of the group falling off into the fence, when their horse refused and demolished it. Subsequently it was not put back up to how it was (photo below) so we didn't get to cross the t and dot the i on this fence which Georgie would have liked to. We all know it's best to finish a fence you've knocked down previously, clear so as to set it in the horses head that was what you wanted them to do, but with group lessons you have to go with the flow.

After another wait while a fence was rebuilt after being completely knocked down plants and all, by a second fall from aforementioned rider in the group, G set up to see how B would go and hope he hadn't switched off. 

First jumping the upright, to the skinny with plants above, over the oxer, then came round to the middle section of the original filled oxer on it's own - 

Fine so far.. round along the long side over two large uprights with a white pole over hedges and flew them.

Then steady up round the corner to get straight at the upright skinny arrowhead and round to the oxer. Fine over these..
Then, dammit...
Annoyingly, we've seen before B struggles with focus in group lessons. He's a bit of a lone wolf when competing as he naps. We've all had it, horses are in the end, pack animals and he was naughty and ran out napping to the horse  directly next to the fence..

After some words of annoyance to B he soon realised he had been a little sod and sorted himself out. Mia advised Georgie on what she needed to do and she represented to the fence.
No horses next to it, no problem! Perfect position, perfect strode.. Spot on.

Finishing off the lesson on a good note.

It's frustrating when little things you think you should have pre-empted happen but that's lessons. Lessons are just that, learning from your mistakes and changing them for the better.

I know Georgie is pleased with how he went overall and will be much more focused on being aware of these things before they happen. No letting him rush at jumps (easier said than done with a horse as strong as B) and no horses next to jumps when jumping!

I have to say, I am really proud of Georgie lately after both her lessons with Russell at Centaur Biomechanics and then yesterday with Mia. She has listened carefully to their advise and her riding has improved dramatically. Her hands and position when schooling are now ten times enter than they were! And B goes better because of it.

And jumping, she listened to what she was told yesterday, took it on board and used it. Yes, she had 2 hiccups with a that run out and a couple of poles down through exuberance. I know for certain Georgie will learn from that.. and the poles. Well, that comes down to Beanies enthusiasm. He has oodles of it and he enjoys himself so much, but Georgie just needs to keep a check on that and not let him run at fences and bring him back onto his hocks and listening to her when being presented with fences. 
It's all about learning and molding your horses into something better with that knowledge you've gained.

I hope you had a lovely weekend with your horses too!
We have a busy long weekend next weekend so until my next post, have a good week!

Sophie x

Monday, 11 May 2015

Smart Grooming Review - Coat Sheen

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend with your horses?

I had a very busy one with Francesca's 3rd birthday party Saturday morning, a Polo tournament Saturday afternoon and then showing yesterday at Houghton Hall Equestrian Centre.

Sadly it was not to be our day, with the judges preferring Hacks to Riding horses. Beanie is the epitome of a riding horse - He's a nice 16.2 with sturdy muscular legs with a nice amount of bone, and very equal in this proportions. 
But Georgie and I couldn't fault him so we're not disheartened. He was a perfect gentleman giving the judge a lovely ride, he went off beautifully and smooth in his transitions and wasn't pulling and was soft and buttery in his mouth. He was a pleasure to groom and get ready yesterday and was so affectionate and sweet (not sure it was just cause I had polo's in my pocket or not! haha) not tugging me around and being pushy! Such a good lad! 

Talking of grooming I got to use my Smart Grooming tools again - This time I used Coat Sheen. I've had this for a couple of weeks now and used it before but only now has it been sunny and dry when we've been out and I wanted to wait to show the true level of shine it creates!

Our class was the very last one yesterday so after a lovely lay in and giving Beanie a chance to chill out and graze on the grass, we got him in and due to the lovely warm weather he had a bath! He's a very water happy horse so loves them as you can see, covering Georgie in bubbles while washing his tail. Pesky flies!

After giving him a good clean with baby shampoo and getting the ingrained oil and dirt out of his coat he was squeaky clean!
We allowed him to dry naturally in the sun shine, meaning his coat dried nice and flat. Once he was fully dry I got my coat sheen and positioned the bottle about half a foot away from his body (so not to get too much in one place, but to make sure it evenly sprayed his coat) I sprayed the sheen directly onto his flat lying coat. Once he was evenly covered I brushed it in with a goat hair brush like this one. It gently works the coat sheen into the coat slightly under the top layer, allowing it to lift out the other colours in the coat.

This was taken just as we were leaving and wow, he is shiny huh!? He's a very copper orange chestnut as you can see, and coat sheen really makes his coat shine!

We worked hard to get B as beautiful and shiny as possible with perfect plaits and white legs. Smart Groomings products work together to compliment each other and have more than one use which is partly why I love using them so much! 

I was really excited to see another competitor with a tub of leg and body whitener out yesterday making her horses legs sparkly white! I hope these reviews have been helpful and if there is anything else you'd like me to try, so let me know! 

Until next time

S x

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Badminton Trot Up - Favourite Outfits

With Badminton Horse Trails Trot Up's happening as I write this, I thought I'd write a post that combines my love for horses as well as enjoying people's troy up fashion!

Photos are from Eventing Worldwide @Eventingwwnews and their AMAZINGLY minute by minute Twitter updates! And also the very talented photographer Nico Morgan 

My first outfit I really liked was Nicola Wilson - I love this coat and boot combo. The cream boots and the cream in the jacket really compliment each other and look fashionable, stylish but also practical for today's chilly, windy, sometimes wet weather.
Love it!

Paul Tapner - I do enjoy a dapper tailored suit and Tapner delivered. Special mention of the waistcoat to match his suit jacket and throwing in some colour with red chinos and bow tie!
Yas Taperz, Yas!

Charlotte Agnew - Is this a Badminton Trot up or the ultra stylish Coachella music festival? I wasn't sure for a second with Charlotte's cute floral headband to add some colour to her cute 'Little Navy Dress' and tights. Really nice outfit!

Lawrence Hunt - Business up top, casual on the bottom. But for me it works! Nice navy slightly faded jeans, combined with a smart suit top and tie. It's not flashy, but it's nice. Those brown boots are also really nice. Good work Hunt!

Photo by Nico Morgan

Mary King - This women was my idol when I was a child, all I wanted to be was an eventer like Mary King. As you can see that didn't pan out.. 
Although her outfit was nothing to write home about, it's cute. Pale pink works well with the bay Kings Temptress and compliments each other! And the necklace added some sparkle! 

Photo by Nico Morgan - Mary you look flawless!

Camilla Spears - Love this outfit, navy polkadot dress underneath a gorgeous long tweed jacket! Now that is tweed done right! Plus added points for cute black ankle boots! 

Photo by Nico Morgan - FLAWLESS! 

Ben Hobday - Now i'm gonna admit, I am bias.. only because I fancy Ben! It's like pony club all over again!
I tweeted a couple of weeks ago about what Ben would wear for the trot up and he didn't disappoint. 
Mr Mulry the V8 Super Cob is turned out beautifully and Ben's dark blue jeans contrasted with a light grey 2 piece suit of a waistcoat and jacket, with a gorgeous pocket handkerchief! Also those brown boot shoes, YAS!! 
Sun glasses on point!
10!! Favourite men's outfit of course! 

Image - e-Venting
Photo above from Ben Instagram

Also sorry but could Ben be anymore cool?

Photo by Badminton Horse Trials 

Georgie Spence - I spy with my little eye some gorgeous Fairfax & Favour boots! And I could be wrong but that looks like a Holland & Cooper tweed and fur cape! Keeping up with the best british rural fashion Georgie.. nice!

Laura Collette - I also spy another pair of Fairfax & Favour Boots! And another Holland & Cooper number, very nice ladies and great for supporting UK brands! Fairfax & Favor, they're a strong brand this year aren't they and well represented!

Photo by Badminton Horse Trials 

Aiofe Clarke - Love that navy rain jacket, white jeans and ankle boots. Can you tell I am a fan of ankle boots yet?

Janet Brakewell - I love this statement coat! I do, I love it! It's a gorgeous spring reddy coral colour, it goes SO well with the white jeans and tan long boots. A+

Photo by Nico Morgan

Mark Tood - Another gent experimenting with colourful chinos. Combined with a lovely brown tweed suit, this is spot on!

Bettina Hoy - Autumn shades for Bettina, but the fur lined cape cardigan, darker cream jeans and brown ankle boots. Simple, appropriate and practical. I like practical for trot up's!

Hannah Bate - I love this navy outfit. It's almost lead rein show style, the navy pencil jacket with thick tights to keep her warm in his chilly spring day. Finished off with a nice pattern scarf. Very neat! I like it

Ben Way - really likes this classic gents outfit. Dark blue jeans, blue oxford shirt and a tweed jacket. Red tie giving a hint of colour. I like this a lot

Photo by Nico Morgan - Ben is that your concentration face?

Niklas Bschorer - Love this navy suit, it's formal but also casual enough not to look too flashy. 

Bravo ladies and gentleman for making trot up's look flawless and keeping it stylish! 
Summary, white jeans were a strong choice for a lot of women. I really like that most dressed very appropriately for the somewhat chilly spring weather. Style not compromised for the cold wind! A+ girls!
For the gents, coloured jeans or chinos were a good choice to add a touch of colour and fun to a traditional outfit. I'm also loving the small little accents that make men's outfits like coloured bow ties, skinny ties, pocket handkerchiefs, and nice brown leather shoes.