What a magnificent setting!
B was having a weekend off from showing so Georgie and I had a swap of roles with me riding him and Georgie with the lead rein. I must say he tested me a couple of times with a few excited bucks but I sat them rather well and we didn't part company. I'll probably have sore legs in the morning though!
Any way, while we waited outside the ring Georgie and Francesca got ready for their first class which was the lead rein riders who are under 10 years of age and it seemed this was going to be a rather competitive class, as when the announcement was made to enter the ring 5 sets of riders made their way in, Francesca and Millie included.
This is Francesca second show so we're making it all fun and enjoyable and if you win then that's an added bonus! It's the taking part that counts right?
With lot's of sprucing Millie looked super, if we do say so ourselves! Good old Smart Grooming products making her sparkle and gleam!
After a couple of minutes watching the horses make their way around the ring Georgie, Francesca and Millie were pulled into second place! There was some stiff competition so how nice to be pulled in high up!
Francesca rode Millie beautifully and without putting a foot wrong, did their presentation in front of the judge and went and did their little show.
After all 5 riders had completed their show for the judges we all watched on anxiously to see where they'd be placed and were so pleased to see they'd held onto their second spot!
The judge had commented on how well behaved Millie was and what a good lead rein pony we had! She's not always like that, honest. They don't call them Shitlands for nothing ha!
Georgie and Francesca had a brief break and a bite to eat before the small Mountain and Moreland class was called in to the ring and with this being an even bigger class, we wondered how they'd both fare.
Again after a beautiful presentation and show for the judge we watched each persons show individually and waited to see how we'd do again!
Francesca, Millie and Georgie has been pulled in to second place once again and was the highest placed lead rein rider, having been beaten to the top spot only by a teenage rider on her lovely Welsh Section C.
Now the 'serious' showing was out of the way we could have a giggle getting Millie dressed up for the fancy dress class.
Not going to lie, we were pretty darn good at fancy dress back when Georgie and I were children so we had big shoes to fill with coming up with ideas for Francesca.
Anyone remember Bill & Ben the Flowerpot Men? Well I frickin' do! Those pots were seriously uncomfortable but we were a winning machine!
So if you're 'down with the little kids' you'll know of a TV programme called Ben and Hollie's Little Kingdom and it happens to be one of Francescas favourite shows,so with a few ideas flouting around we spent Friday night making an outfit for Millie as she was going to be Gaston the Lady Bird, Georgie was to be Ben the Elf and Francesca was of course the fairy Princess Hollie!
I think it's rather good, don't you?
The judges must have also liked it as they won the fancy dress class. Still got it!
With it now really quite late and everyone absolutely shattered, horses included, we had one more fun class to finish off the day, which was 'best decorated mane' so with a surprise find of some LED lights in one of Georgie's 'junk' draws,flowers from the garden and some ribbon I plaited Millie's mane and attached everything in.
Looked rather cute, right?
With a really nice end to the day Francesca and Georgie won that too! So our final total was 2 firsts and 2 seconds. Not bad for a mid week decision to go and everything hand made!
Now, just to have a think of what other fancy dress outfits we can make for next time. Anyone got any suggestions?