After exercise and work a lot of horses get very sweaty, it's a natural part of horses cooling themselves down but it can lead to tense and sore muscles after hard work, so the wonderful team over at Smart Grooming have come up with a great new wash down product called Lavender Splosh Wash!
Smart Grooming say "Lavender Splosh Wash is gentle enough to be used everyday to leave the coat clean and glossy. It also has a soothing effect on tired muscles after exercise and can be used neat to disperse bruising"
Georgie and I actually love using this splosh wash so much that we've used an entire bottle in just a couple of months. Although a little goes a long way we've just found it so useful our bottle is now empty! Must remember to order another one! But at only £6.95 a bottle it's hardly breaking the bank to replace it!
We've used the splosh wash most often with washing Beanie's saddle patch, girth area and legs after exercise and also sometimes after traveling B get's full on sweaty when he anticipates arriving home in the trailer.
The first time we used the Splosh Wash was on an occasion like that, when we'd been out competing and B got very hot in the trailer; we open the trailer ramp and see B sweating and frothing heavily so quickly we unload him and immediately washed him off with Splosh Wash, it was amazing to see him visibly relax with the lavender oils, warm water and massage. That was when we really did see the beneficial properties of this wash!
It's not a difficult product to use and doesn't require many instructions on how to use it, simply -
1) Fill a bucket up with water, preferably warm
2) Pour the wash into the bottle cap, either half a cap or a whole caps worth depending on how strong you want the solution to be; We use a whole cap for when he's very sweaty or half a cap for just when washing off legs and saddle patch.
3) Mix up the splosh wash so it's created lot's of bubbles and suds.
4) Grab a sponge to the bucket and begin sploshing the sudsy water over your horse to wash them off and begin relaxing their muscles!
5) The slosh wash doesn't need to the washed off and the excess can simply be sweat scrapped off afterwards.
Off the Trailer Very Hot
During Wash Off
Washed Off, Relaxed and Happy
Easy as that!
We absolutely love this product, it's such a great product
to use and it's not overly complicated to use which is brilliant when you're
down the yard by yourself and haven't got loads of time to faff about!
It comes in two sizes 500ml which is £6.95 or a huge 5 litre
bottle for £39.95!