Monday, 28 September 2015

Weekend Fun in The Sun - The Thurlow Ride

As mentioned in my last post, I was planning to go to the Thurlow Ride, and was very kindly lent the lovely Misty (Thank you so much Ali) around the Vesteys Thurlow Estate.
She needed to do some exercise work before Saturday, so I took a ‘rain check’ Monday night due to the forecast rain, but I was pleased to see that on Tuesday it was supposed to rain free. I got down to Hare Park after work and tacked up Misty ready for a nice dry hack. Wrong! I’d been in the saddle for all of 5 minutes before a heavy rustling in the opposite wood stopped Misty in her tracks to listen more closely, the rustling turned out to be the most almighty wall of rain approaching. I’m not going to lie, an audible swear word cause be heard subconsciously leaving my mouth as I realised I was about to get wet. And boy did I get soaked!

I’m usually a bit of a fair weather rider, but “never mind” I thought, I can dry off and change afterwards and maybe it’s just a shower. Much to my disappointment it was not just a brief shower but an absolute deluge that lasted around 20 minutes.
Once the rain had passed over I spotted this rather impressive funnel cloud slowly making its way towards earth, it was very cool to see it actually swirling visibly. I was a little worried that it would touch down near Newmarket but it swirled itself out getting longer and thinner until it disintegrated. Looked rather cool to see though (sorry my photos don’t do it justice)

Despite now being soaked, Misty and I had a ball! She was on really good form and was really happy to be out and about being ridden. Her ears were pricked the whole time and she was eager to trot and have a couple of small canters! Nothing too strenuous as she wasn’t too fit

I must say It was lovely to be alone with no-one else around. Peacefully, I watched the horses steam as the water evaporated off their rugs and spotted a rather large bird of prey stalk a hare, laying as quietly and inconspicuously as possible, only to be seen off by a rather annoyed Crow who didn’t want it around.

After around 45 minutes I called it a day and made my way for home, eager to finish off and change out of my very wet jeans and jacket. Misty was pleased to have dried off and snuggle up in her rug and tuck into her tea. 

Sadly after our rather wet ride on Tuesday I came down with a hell of a cold. I dragged myself out of bed on Thursday night to ride, only to be initiated into the Misty tumbler club after an 'absolutely terrifying' puddle causes Misty to slam on the brakes and drop her shoulder to which I fell in rather slow motion into the ground.
The view was rather lovely though!

Saturday morning, now with a sore wrist and nursing a horrific head cold I dragged myself out of bed to load up and head to the Thurlow to ride around the middle of nowhere for 12 miles.

A group of 8 of us from Suffolk Polo Club set off, Misty was on very good form and jogged the first half mile or so, very much enjoying the sun and new surroundings.
The rain early in the week had meant the ground was absolutely perfect. Not too soft with just enough give in it. Although saying that there were parts in the woods which we very deep, so care was taken to avoid those and any lost shoes!
I popped a couple of logs early on while Misty enjoyed the the pace and she was such a good girl. Luckily my little jump on Beanie the weekend before had got the rust off and I didn't fall off again!
Ironic really, I can stay on Beanie's huge leaps but fall off during a slow canter. I hang my head in shame! 

Riding around the beautiful surroundings in the sun was a perfect way to clear my very stuffy lungs, and feel less sorry for myself!

It took around 3 hours to complete but it meant everyone got to have a good catch up chat and have some fun, whether jumping or not. 
All of us bought a refreshment break, where you got a bottle of water and a chocolate bar.
I quickly ate mine and shared my water with Misty, washing off her shoulders and cooling her off. She carried me all that way and was no trouble what so ever! 

Towards the end she was slowing down and I let her walk off and chill, It was nice to actually catch my breath and really enjoy where we were because the views around Thurlow are absolutely beautiful.
With all 8 of us home safe, the ponies were pleased to be home and showered off, and given a hay net to chill in the field. 

With the end of season dinner organised for later that evening everyone rushed home to get showered and out of our jodhpurs to try and look half respectable for dinner!
Talk about a whirl wind day but it was so needed. The day was topped off by having beautiful sunny weather, and the good company and surroundings made it all the more enjoyable!

Now to prepare myself for next weekends fun! Hopefully I will have regained the full movement in all my limbs by then!

Sophie xo

Monday, 21 September 2015

Weekend jumping fun in the Fog!

Sorry for not blogging in a while, it’s been a mad whirl wind of starting a new job shipping horses around the world, and having very very busy weekends!

But alas, Autumn is setting in and it’s beginning to get chilly. The grass season for Polo has ended so I’m back doing what I do, grooming for my sister. I’m sure she’ll be happy seeing as I’ve hardly been around this summer to help her. Bad sister award goes to me!

But while she’s away on holiday (i'm so jealous) she asked me to ride Beanie and give him some exercise. Obviously, as I’m sure if you’ve read my blog before, I don’t have my own horse. I’ve been very lucky to be able to ride some friends horses and keep my riding skills up to scratch. Riding this weekend got me wondering, do you ever really forget how to ride a horse, or are the skills still inside your brain, but just a little rusty?

I went to Canada about 3 years ago now to ski, but when I got back I made the decision I wanted to spend more time with my family, and in doing that, get back into horse riding as Mum and G spent a lot of time with horses. When I got back into the country, Georgie was super pregnant (nearly 8 months if I remember rightly) and her horse Marcus needed riding so I got back on and having not jumped a horse in years (and I mean years) I went cross country schooling. To my credit I didn’t fall off and he went rather well.

Since then I’ve brushed up on a lot of my skills and (modestly) I’m a pretty good rider, and have never forgotten all I’d learnt. I’ve been lucky that friends have helped me brush up on stuff I haven’t had to do in years like bandaging a horses legs, plait tails and such, which we’re in my memory somewhere but could remember vaguely.

Anyway, back to riding on Saturday I got up at 6.30am and got to the yard in the thick fog to ride B. Mum being a total worry mutton insisted I just walk and a little trot, but being a person who is a bit stubborn and head strong I ignored her and had a few canters and even jumped some cross country jump.
B was such a good lad and loved going out for a ride. He was very keen and having Boris the Irish sports horse for company, who really strides out, he was in a great mood. Riding around Little Bradly in the fog really was very beautiful. There rows of trees around the fields looked like a giant army waiting to run at you at any moment! It was like riding around the Shire a little bit, if only I was Hobbit sized to make it more realistic.

With the rain we’d had last week the ground was a bit wet in places, but in others was absolutely spot on! The canters were just perfect, he was a bit keen and wanted to canter fast but I kept him steady and he was a good lad!
Nearing the end of the ride there was a row of logs and cross country fences and I just couldn’t resist. I asked for a nice steady collected canter, and with B going into jump mode locked on and knew his job. We flew over and it felt so natural, bearing in mind I haven’t jumped in about 3 years we sailed over everything. I didn’t have to hold him back, he saw his stride and took me. No messing with trying to tell him, he just seemed to know.

Hopefully at some point I’ll be able to get fitter and do a round of cross country on him. He’s a bit of a tank at times as he is so strong and willing but he’s just so genuine! So with home a mile or so away I washed off his muddy legs, gave him his breakfast and let him fill out in the field in the now sunny warm weather.

More riding please! Fingers crossed to the Thurlow ride next weekend. See you there?

S xo

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Burghley Trot Up - My Favourite Outfits

So following the success of my Badminton Trot up blog post I did a while ago which had so many views I wanted to write another one for the Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials 
It's not often we get to see riders scrubbed up and looking their best so I quite like doing a post celebrating what outfits I like most.

Nicola Wilson - 

At Badminton I picked Nicolas outfit as my favourite and Burghley didn't disappoint. Yesterday had varying degrees of temperature and weather so I think for a cold wet day Nicola looked really good.
The brown jacket compliments the shoes, and the black skinny jeans are a staple to knit the outfit together. The colours are on trend for Autumn! And as with Badders, I love a pair of ankle boots!

Pippa Funnell -

I really like this outfit of Pippas. The cream trousers are a brave choice around horses at the best of times (we've all had beautiful immaculate jodhpurs covered in slobber or what not just before the big moment, am I right?) so for a trot up in front of the press is especially brave, but they go so well with that top! The colours are, like Nicolas outfit above, on trend for the season, and I love the pattern.
The boots are lovely, and with a good wedge heel are good for running in.
Very nice well done Pippa!

Ben Way - 

Ben was featured in my last post and not much about his outfit has changed, It's similar with a few small changes, but it's classic and I'm alright with classic. Those navy chinos compliment the green tweed and the shoes bring it all together.
He's also really cute so that helps! Cute, well dressed gentleman. A+

Lynn Symansky -

I think before I start I must admit that this outfit is my favourite of the day. It's bright and gorgeous and I love it. That yellow rain coat is divine. I mean, I couldn't pull it off but it compliments her hair colour and the horses colour! 
Much like Pippa a light colour trousers is brave with horses but they go so well with the jacket. Finished with sun glasses and a scarf accessories are great! 

Wills Newton -

Another striking jacket andcombined with the bright chestnut of her gorgeous horse Newmarket Vasco One, it is works.
Not too flashy with just black jeans and black shoe boots but practical. The detail at the back of the jacket is pretty and brings it a little bit extra.

Dee Hankey -

 I really like this outfit. Fedoras are my new favourite accessory this winter and works super well with this outfit. The black of the jacket and the hat, outshot by the jackets brighter statement sleeves works really well. Not sure on the shoes though.. 

Gina Ruck -

Photo very kindly provided by Nico Morgan. Thank you 

Gina's outfit is beautiful. I love the paisley smock top/dress and nipped in at the waist adds contouring, and the belt and long boots match. I love a good matching belt and boot combination. 
I also love it when an outfit compliments the horse too and these are a perfect pair! Runner up in my favourite outfit for sure

Charlotte Agnew -

Photo by Nico Morgan! Love it!

I love this photo by Nico Morgan it's so fun and cheeky. The detail on Charlottes top is really cute, and with simple plain jeans and tassel boots it's boho chic, much like her outfit at Badminton. Very nice Charlotte!

Honourable mention - Ben Hobday. It just isn't a trot up without swooning over Ben. I think I speak for everyone that we cannot wait to see you back well again, riding and looking more dashing than you do now. Get well soon Ben! 

I know this post is a little short but unfortunately I cannot be at Burghley, but horses aren't gonna ship themselves!
Please feel free to share your favourite Burghley trot up outfits with me via Twitter @sophiexjane or @gsshowing and I look forward to seeing second trot up outfits? Who will, shock horror, wear the same outfit again I wonder!