Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Scent laying for the Cambridge University Drag Hounds

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I've has such a busy December and start to the New Year, plus I spent most of it ill with this chesty cough that has been doing the rounds!
Erik and I have enjoyed me being off work as he's been being ridden loads and loads and we've been doing different rides or our normal rides backwards to liven things up and he's loved it!

He got dressed up for Christmas when Georgie, Frankie and I went out for a lovely hack Christmas even and obviously, any excuse to dress up your horse!
We've also has some jumping schooling at home which he's enjoyed. We carried on from our last lesson  and have been doing some 'gymnastics' in the school at home, namely in the form of raised trotting poles, a square grid at the end which you can use to come at in all different directions, doing jumps with no ground line with flower pots underneath and stacking cavaletti's.. It's all been going on! When i've been doing these are home Erik has been a little fresh and unfocused with him wanting to stare through the fence to see what Beanie is up to but some trotting pole grids and lot's of circles and turning soon got his mind focused and paying attention. Jumping has been going well and I am pleased.

Georgie and I having a quieter December meant we were keen to get out and do something, so when I had the idea of being the scent layers/draggers for the Cambridge University Drag Hounds we were keen to ask and were excited to be accepted. Trumpington Hall is somewhere where Georgie and I have been going for a long time, since Pony Club even, and with it being so close to home it's always a fun one to go to.

We plaited up that morning and spruced up the horses the night before we were all ready to go, so with my whizzing off in my car to the meet to walk the lines Georgie and Mum very kindly bought the horses along a little later. As we've not had rain in a good few days the ground was absolutely perfect! A nice combination of give in the ground but not too heavy at all, absolutely spot on. 
We obviously left the meet about 10 minutes early to make sure we weren't caught up by the hounds, huntsman Duncan or the field! Lucky we did because we got started and jumped a few fences when Erik thought this was all very exciting and tried to zoom off with me and after a brief wobble in confidence and a bracing pep talk from Georgie we were off again and going. I hadn't quite got the new to keep jumping as it's then that Erik get's really excited and tended to want to just go off as fast as possible! 

Photo courteous of Timelight Equestrian Photography, used with permission on social media

Luckily I had Georgie and Beanie with me to drag the first line while I got myself in control and faught off my demons. Beanie really is amazing he just jumped anything Georgie put him at, while dragging the scent! 

 Thank you Kamikaze photography for the photo 
 Thank you Kamikaze photography for the photo 
 Photo courteous of Timelight Equestrian Photography, used with permission on social media

Thank you Kamikaze photography for the photo 

We however steadily dragged the scent for the entire first line and it was nice to let our horses stand and have a breather while we watched the hounds and field make their way towards us! 
It was a rather surreal experience being the other side of the field and seeing everyone coming towards you rather than being in the field itself with everyone! 

 Waiting for the field 
Caught up by the field at the end of line 1

After a brief breather Georgie and I set off for line 2, along the bank of the River Cam and along the cross country course! Over the years we've cantered along here on various horses so it was nice to add another to that count and Georgie had fun popping over fences and waving to onlookers in Granchester Meadows! Erik was behaving himself well here and I was able to take the scent line from Georgie while she jumped along! He was very good considering he had never dragged before and he's got a line of bailer twine with a very smelly rag on the end dragging along behind him! 

 Photo courteous of Timelight Equestrian Photography, used with permission on social media

 Thank you Steph for snapping this pic! 

We then made our way to the final part of line 2 which was in to the woods where the cross country course usually winds through! The last time I went through that woods was during a cross country trial when I was a child/teenager so that was a lovely blast from the past! 
We ended the line in the field we began in and again it was really fun to see everyone canter back in to the field with lot's of smiley faces. It looked like everyone had a lovely time and really enjoy themselves, as did the horses! 

With a lot of steam coming off the horses a breather was needed before line 3, which was lines 1 and 2 backwards and without hounds so a good half returned to do line 3 while the rest made their way back to the boxes to wash of their horses and have some refreshments. 
It was a good few miles and quick pace so they were well earned by horse and rider. Georgie and I decided for the later and to call the day the end there and finish on a good note. Both horses adrenalines were certainly still up while we untacked and we quickly dried them off and got them home to settle before having a thorough wash off and clean up! 

Back home Bean was dried off under the heat lamps and Erik snuggled up back in his bed, both of them with a big pile of hay and a hearty feed!

We had such a lovely day together Sunday and we wanted to say thank you to the Cambridge University Drag Hounds for having us and providing such a lovely day out. 
If you'd like to go out with them yourself, their meet card can be found on their Facebook along with corresponding events pages. 
PS we'd highly recommend Burghley! 

Snuggled up! 

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