Monday, 25 March 2019

Freddie's Friends; 5 weeks

Wow, the weeks have been flying by and we're on 5 weeks of having Freddie with us! We're making real progress and he's look fabulous! 

With Friday afternoon being a early finish for me at work I whizzed down the yard from work to meet Georgie and Frankie to have our first ride out as a group! I will admit I was a little nervous, Fred has always been good albeit exuberant on the rides wanting to walk really quickly but generally sensible. We took it nice and easy as Fred and Ronnie had had their flu booster vaccinations the day before so we took it all very steady as they may have been a little groggy.

Fred was a very good boy and did indeed want to walk really quickly but was respectful when asked to walk slowly and when trotting coped well and didn't buck or fly off and do anything stupid. 
A rather sedate ride much to Frankie's disappointment because since Cheltenham festival has wanted to canter and trot all over the place.

I then walked Fred out in hand on Saturday night in the passoa but had to take it off half way round and it was rubbing on a cut Fred got from eating something in the brambles! Silly sausage!

Sunday saw a beautiful bright morning so Georgie and I tacked up early and went out while everyone was still asleep! Absolutely beautiful and the perfect time to ride as no-one was around! 
As he had got used to going out with other horses I decided to work more on his outline and asking for a contact on the bit rather than him walk out head all over the place. He coped well but did find it frustrating to be asked to work and did protest with a few head nods but nothing silly!
He has shown his sassy side when he doesn't like doing something but I think he's in that stage of feeling well and seeing what he can and cannot get away with. Rude awakening Fred, nothing, I am a strict Mumma!

So other than the odd leg stomp he was very good and even went in and out of the water ford with no hesitation! I am so glad the prep I did on the ground of allowing him to see it and look at it without making him go in has paid off and he's not frightened of it.

Onwards and upwards really, he's really thriving and getting lovely and round! 

Looking well for 5 weeks, compared to how he was! 

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

4 weeks of Fred!

Ah sorry I haven't done a post for a while, since getting Fred a lot of my free time is obviously spent with him! Every evening I exercise him in some way and that doesn't then leave a lot of time in the evenings for all my other chores and and any rest time I get I like to wind down and watch some TV so finding a moment to write this has been a struggle!

So as the title of this post suggests, Freddie has been with is 1 whole month and we've loved every minute of it. He's really coming out of his shell and more importantly the good food, grass and work is meaning he's gaining weight nicely and is also muscling up as well.

On Friday night Mum and Georgie felt it was time to get on; I've been walking Fred out in hand with his saddle and bridle on for 4 weeks now and he is well used to being girthed up, having the saddle on etc so we decided as Georgie is both lighter and more experienced than me she should get on. So with safety first she donned a back protector, hat, gloves etc and we started lunging him, wanting  to just settle him in beforehand. Plus it's been proven that lunging properly with a saddle on encourages horses to engage their back, stomach and bottom so I felt it beneficial to make sure he's using his muscles first before putting someone on board.

Well Fred was a dream, I legged Georgie up and we had no problems, slight back up but that is to be expected as he hasn't had anyone sit on him for about 6 months. He walked round beautifully and when Georgie felt confident he was ok she asked for trot, which he did beautifully, and actually worked on a contact. He has obviously been ridden by someone who has nice gentle hands and he has a nice soft mouth which is unusual in racing!

Plus he's a very smart horse who is quick to learn Georgie tells me so that's really promising.

The following day I got on and Mum and I took him for an amble down the road for a short while to see how he'd cope and he took it all in his stride, he walked with real speed and purpose and was looking at everything and taking it all in!

I also walked him last night and again he was a very good boy! I've continued to lead him out in hand with either the saddle on or the passoa and he's loving all of that, it's strengthening our bond on the ground which I feel is so important.

So where does that lean now then? Well I am going to continue to get on and hack him out short rides twice a week and the rest of the time I will be leading him out again in hand and continue lunging.
I am really happy with his progress thus far and he's really rounding up nicely and his back and bottom coming up too. 

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Frankie D'Elegance

For some time now Frankie has been wanting to give her Concours D'Elegance outfit a whirl in the ring and this weekend she got to do that!
An old livery and arena that Georgie and I had been going to since we were small children recently was bought and turned back into a competition arena and they hosted a show this weekend! 
Despite the forecast of heavy wind and rain Georgie and Frankie were determined to go and so they braved the storm and went. 
Georgie had decided to make it a trip worth while so entered Frankie in 3 classes and we're very excited to say that she won two of them and came second in the other! Not bad for a 6 year old. 
Ronnie is a little old showing pro now and strutted his stuff for her. He is by no means an easy horse but Frankie practised her show all week and they nailed it, even beating adults. 

So what was their results you ask? Well her second was in the colours class but her wins came in the Veteran (Ronnie is 19!) and another win in the concours d'elegance! 

Don't they look beautiful!

2 weeks of Fred!

Ah where do I start! Freddie has been with me for 2 weeks now and we've actually done rather a lot in that time! 
Since my last post where Fred had settled in and also had his teeth checked and rasped, as well as being wormed, well he's now had a full set of shoes on, had a physio session and started his proper walk work regime! A lot huh!

Our wonderful farrier Chris has been out to firstly put a front set of shoes on and then a week later he was back at the yard so Mum and I decided to put back shoes on as we're doing quite a lot of road work.
Our wonderful physio Alex also came out on Tuesday to give Freddie a once over and sort any problems; turns out there were multiple..
Freddie had a misaligned sacroiliac joint which in turn was making his gluteal muscles to spasm which is why he was sensitive about having his bum brushed. After a quick realign Alex worked on his sore withers and also popped just about every major joint. About an hour later he was all popped out and feeling much more relaxed. He even didn't mind his bum being brushed anymore!
The morning after he was feeling a little stiff so I walked him out to loosen him off, I also did this Thursday and Friday mornings and he really started walking well.
I also got my saddle back from being fixed so I could finally use it! So last weekend I put the saddle on and walked him round the school and he didn't seem to care at all. 
I had been told that in training he got a bit cold backed and to walk him on the walker before working him but after his physio session I think he was just sore and in pain before, and now that he's not then we're having no problems!

I've now been upping our walk work and have been taking him out in hand for a good 2 or 3 miles depending on which way I go and he's been loving going out and seeing the surrounding areas to the yard. He just loves to look and take in everything that is going on! I can tell he's been really enjoying it cause he walks so exuberantly I have to power walk to keep up! Boy can't half walk let's just say that!
I've also started running in the evenings as and when I can and that's been really fun and rewarding actually. I am fitter than I thought so it's been really nice for Freddie and I to do our fitness regime together! #FitForFreddie!

As well as walking out in hand we also have walked him slowly on the lunge and he took that all in his stride, no bucking or silliness. He's just so chilled! He's responding well to vocal commands also such as woo-hoo to slow down and/or stop, Stand, Walk On etc which I feel it really important for retraining not only for lunging but also for when I do start riding. He definitely knows my voice, which I absolutely love.

Overall I am super impressed with his progress for far, he's already looking so much better! His body obviously feels better as his bottom is no longer as concave and is filling out and he's really pushing himself when he walks instead of dragging with his front end. That bum is also really swinging so his back feels nice and loose. 

So where now! This week we'll obviously just keep up his walk work in hand and maybe take longer ride routes so he can really get used to his new surroundings. And work is good work! 

 He knows he's cute!
 "Thank you for my rug Sophie M" - Freddie
 He may have a baby face but he's hardly small! I'm 5'11"
Bums! One gaining in size and one reducing!