Thursday, 22 January 2015

Katie Jerram ROR Show Preparation Clinic 2014

So this is from a little while back in March last year but I really wanted to share this as we had such a lovely day.

ROR and Katie Jerram held a grooming and prep clinic at her yard in March 2013 before the show season started, so Georgie and my mum Wendy and I booked in and attended. My mum grew up working at a well known hunt yard in Cambridge with Miss Pickard so she's very good at turning out horses for hunting, showing and everything else but it's always good to learn new things.
We learned the best way to plait to improve the neck shape and length, plus a different technique than we usually use to sew plaits in. Also the best technique and tools to use to pull a tail, how to do quarter marks, the best equipment to use etc.
Katie, as many will know, is a very successful show women and all the knowledge we learnt from her was absolutely invaluable!
She recommended we switch to a red and gold browband which she thought would suit Beanie's very copper chestnut coat, so we ditched his old navy and chick yellow. She also noted that the saddle Georgie was using back then covered a lot of B's withers and wasn't really showing him off in the best way. So recommended we try on one of her saddles, which we did and it made a big difference!

She really helped show us that even the littlest things made a big difference in how the overall appearance and picture to the judges.

I'm wondering if she'll hold another one this year, but if she does, I'd absolutely recommend going. Her family and grooms are such lovely people and are really friendly! It felt more like a day at a friends yard than it did a professionals show preperation clinic!

Here are some photos and a video of Katie giving Beanie a ride in the school.. Enjoy

All photos taken by Jo and copywrite to Katie Jerram

 Beanie look like a beautiful show horse after all the training prep and into the school. This is the borrowed equipment and he looks a million bucks.
We definitely did invest in a show saddle and it looks great! Oh and a new browband!
 Learning the new plaiting technique. And I made very good friends with Dunbeacon. I'd just love to take him home. Most lovely chap!
 Beanie was weighed by Spillers and was found to be a very good weight!
Beanies lovely bum having quarters marks demonstrated on

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