So... today I can tick off a bucket list thing, which is I tried Carriage driving for the first time.
Well, sort of first time. Back when I was about 15 I got asked to go and groom at carriage driving display at a well known racecourse. Where I got to dress like this!
Very cool aye?!
But that was a long time ago and I only ever had to hold the horses and tack them up, never drive them!
But today for a last minute stand in I got to try carriage driving.
Colleen Salmon kindly organised this at Valley Farm Equestrian near Ipswich.
First of all we were taught how to tack up a horse for carriage driving and that part is very important.
You don't tack them up like a normal riding horse. First you start with the Collar or breast plate, back strap, crupper, reins, then bridle!
Photo of Jack being tacked up with breast plait and saddle
After being shown exactly how to tack up we picked a pony and of course I picked the little shetty that looked like Millie. She was called Beauty and she was an angel!
Look how cute she is!
So once we were tacked up and inspected to make sure we hadn't buckled up something we shouldn't have we headed outside to have a go!
We were shown how to attach the trap to the horse without hurting it and doing it safely as not to frighten the horse. Remember they have blinkers on and cannot see behind them!
So Etoile (French for Star) was loaded into the trap and off we went! Georgie kindly lent me her hat cam so I could capture my first go! Only a little way up a track but so fun and feels like nothing i've done before! Definitely going to have a go and something tells me Millie would be good at this!
Learning how to tack up. Photo by Colleen Salmon