Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Horses Temperature, Pulse & Breathing Rate from NEH

So this popped up on my facebook feed last night and I had to share!
Newmarket Equine Hospital are always posting interesting articles and bits information. You really should follow them on facebook if you're not already 

But this I had no idea! Plus it may come in handy for when you're in a situation where your horse is ill and you want to check these things while the vet is on the way or if you want to call the vet and tell them something is wrong, you can follow up with this information once you've assessed your horse.

Or even if you're not sure if your horse has recovered after hard work on not, you can check their breathing rate.

I keep little diagrams on my phone like this for emergencies. I have one for which leads to put on my battery and the other car if I need a jump start! 
So if something like this can be referred to when you need it in a pinch, it could be extremely helpful! 
We always have our phones in us wherever we go now, so why not save this?
Save this photo -
I'm attending a vet talk in March at NEH so will do a write up of that afterwards

Safe horsing everyone! 

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