Monday, 2 November 2015

Unexpected Sunday - Whipping in

As I lay here in bed, absolutely exhausted and my muscles going more and more stiff I realise I literally do not care and that is because I'm in too much of a good mood!

Why is that some of you may ask, well unexpected awesome Sunday's that why.
So here's the scenario, I've drifted off back off to sleep after work - owners whatsapping me wanting info on there horses at 6.15am, when my phone rings.
A bit blurry eyed I scrabble for my phone.  It's field master Sophie Read! I press accept call and get asked, almost immediately, 3 questions 
"Are you coming to the meet today?" 
"Yes why?"
"Can you whip in"
"Um, yes I can try"
"Can you be there in an hour?" 
"Hell yes I can"

Panic descends for a moment when all manor of questions run through my head, such as 'oh god, can I even whip in?', 'what horse am I on?' 'Is all my kit clean?' 'If yes then where is it all!'
After realising that, indeed my kit was clean and all nicely hung up, I had to figure out a plan of action.
A quick bowl of cereal while wriggling into my jodphurs and, I'm out the door to meet Sophie and walk the lines.

After a brief whizz round in Sophie's  awesome Land Rover (seriously, speeding through massive puddles in a Land Rover defender is great fun and something I want to do again, so cool) we got back to the yard to people arriving.

Very kindly I found my horse all tacked up and ready to go. That horse being the pointer that doesn't like jumping. I can foresee many asking "but it's a pointer, it's supposed to jump" well more on that later!

After a brief unruly hound wanting to snack on the post hunt sausage rolls, we were off. I've never whipped in before so I'm pretty nervous and praying I don't forget the way! 
Just after the off we got to our first set of jumps, well I'd been instructed to try and get the pointer to jump so I'm setting up to a nice low jump and 3 strides out he seems keen, then last stride and brakes on and we're skidding towards it..
No jump for me today then it would seem. I'd be pretty horrified to fall off in front of an entire meet, especially as there's a tumblers club this year! 

Cantering on, on this giant 17 odd hand pointer felt pretty damn cool. I'd like to hope and think my riding has improved from riding 5 different horses in the last few weeks! 

A brief rest later we carried on, but the hounds couldn't seem to find the scent. It didn't help that when the runner set off it was foggy and wet and every minute that ticked by it got warmer and warmer and the fog lifting therefore taking the scent with it.

I'm also being absolutely terrible at whipping in, I keep getting my left and right confused and driving Tony crazy! Sorry Tony, not my finest moments! 

Who's that? Oh that's me hiding my shame at how terribly I am a whipping in!

We took an extra loop round the jumps again, I'm absolutely determined to get this bleeding horse over a few jumps, which I can say I did, I'm pretty proud of that! 

Once back at the yard everyone untacked and boxed up, ready for refreshments. 
Sandwiches, sausage rolls, cake, chocolate! Absolutely great and candles for Sophie as it was her birthday!

With the day now drawn to a close I headed off to my sisters house for a roast dinner. I feel very spoilt today, tacked up horse and dinner cooked for me, how lucky I am!

Hope everyone enjoyed the opening meet and we'll see you all again soon?

S x

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