The saying goes that you should always get back on the horse after falling off. In my case I had to wait 3 months until my fracture had heeled and stabilised and I really struggled in that time without being about to ride.
Seeing all these people smartly turned out in their hunting jackets, on nicely plaited horses flying over hedges only made the longing to be back on a horse even worse.
So when I put a Facebook post out declaring that the doctor and physio had given me the all clear to ride again and half jokingly asked if anyone had a horse to borrow I didn't think anyone would take me up on the request. But alas my lovely friend Ella did, with her beautiful coloured cob Gypsy. I must say in writing how amazing Ella and Scott have been! Ella rode Jeopardy back to the yard after my fall and Scott picked me up off the ground and got me back to the house, then proceeded to take my spurs, boots and tie off for me cause I definitely couldn't while cradling a rather severely snapped wrist! How kind they've been and I cannot say enough thank you'd to show how grateful I feel.
With the meet just 2 days away I suddenly had to figure out how to get the horse there and would I totally bottle it once I was there. Very kindly Duncan picked her up that morning and while she was on her way Sophie and I whizzed round in Antony's Rangey making sure we knew the lines for the meet.
It felt absolutely awesome to put my stock and navy jacket on, I really did dread not being able to get it out just of the cupboard just once this season! Polishing and zipping up my boots I was stoked to look in the mirror and look presentable. I popped by Gibson's on Saturday and bought myself a new riding hat too. I took my hat cover off my old one to see a graze in the plastic of my old one so I must have hit my head in the fall after all! So with my new champion x-air donning my velvet hat cover I went over and tacked up Gypsy.

Luckily since being on the sidelines I have continued to help Georgie with Beanie and Millie so I hadn't forgotten how to tack up, thank god!
Well, in no time at all myself and Gypsy were ready and the time had arrived. For me to swing my leg over and get on! And just like that I was back in the saddle and surprisingly with very little nerves at all. It's nice getting on and knowing you're gonna be super sensible and not jump, while on a super little cob who just wants to have fun with you, so that was that we decided that we were going to have a little canter round the countryside and have a nice time.
Coincidentally by not jumping I also became the non jumping field master so it was fun to meet a little group at the meet and make our way behind the main pack, to take it steady and go round all the jumps. You know, it really was nice to go hunting and not have the pressure of jumping. I had two really nasty falls last year out hunting and that had absolutely knocked my confidence. Not surprising really when one fall was a rotational fall with a horse landing on top of you and the other you snapping your ulner bone in half.. so I was bound to loose my bottle!
While I cantered round the picturesque grounds of Trumpington Hall I very nearly thought about popping a tiny 1 foot hedge but figured why risk it on a nice day and my first day back and figured I'd rather just start as I mean to go on; on a good note!
Gypsy was an absolute little legend and looked after me 100%! I mean look at her little face, it seemed I spent the whole meet looking through these gorgeous pricked ears!
Thanks to everyone who helped get me there on Sunday, whether it be getting the horse there and back, or looking after me and seeing how I was while I was in a cast or after surgery cause I couldn't have got back without the help.
Once again thank you to Ella for letting me borrow Gypsy!
See you next time for hopefully more riding adventures!
Sophie x
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