We drill into youngsters from a young age 'It's not about winning, it's the taking part that counts' which without a doubt is absolutely true! We want our children to grow up modest after all. Luckily for Francesca and for Millie they had a rather good weekend of showing at the Cambridge and District Riding Club show which is very kindly hosted at Cottenham point to point racecourse.
I'm sure followers of this website and blog will know that Georgie and I are quite into our showing, and very luckily seem to be rather good at it so when Georgie had Francesca and she subsequently turned out to be pony mad (just as we figured she probably would be after coming to equestrian events with us from a very young age) we kind of decided that we as a family we're going to make Francesca go showing, we were going to wait til she asked us to take her. Any show attendee will have seen it at some point or another seeing a showing mad Mum drag her less than enthusiastic child round the ring on a pony while they'd rather be doing anything but showing!
We attended this show this time last year and had a wonderful day which was also very successful day so again this year we asked Francesca would she liked to go again this year, to which a very enthusiastic yes was the answer. So on Friday afternoon in the sunshine we went outside and bathed Millie. All is going well until a black cloud descended and it starts to get rather chilly; I tell Georgie we should kick on and get finished as the clouds were going rather dark. Just on my way back from getting a nice warm bucket of water that I felt a very cold blob on the back of my neck. I look up to see a hail/snow shower decend from the heavens. Poor Millie is standing their shivering so we slosh the bucket of water over her soapy neck and trot her inside to the warmth of the barn. Luckily we managed to sweat scrape her quickly but then disaster.. what rug can we put on her, she doesn't have a fleece? Well fear not Millie cause we're going to make a 6'3" fleece of Beanie's fit you! As you can see I am a master of horse rug fitting and she promptly warmed up and dried nicely.
Does she look cute?

I know i'm bias but they go make a pretty well turned out team don't you think?

While the other two classes went on we had a quick bite to eat, gave Millie some grass and got ready for the next class; the Mountain and Moorland! This net class was going to be a challenge as not only were there lot's of competitors but it also wasn't lead rein only! But with Millie still on good form they were back in the ring for another perfect show and again we were delighted for Francesca to be pulled in first and win the class! Like I say, against older children that weren't on the lead rein! It really does show what a well behaved little pony Millie is and she also happens to have good confirmation too! Not bad for a shetland we bought as a companion for Beanie before Georgie even got pregnant.
Again they'd won a wonderful rosette and a prize, this time a lovely bag of treats from Lik It!
So with two wins under a belt Millie and Frankie were asked to come back in for the Championship! With very strong competition from all the ridden competitors from all the other classes it was going to be a touch choice. Unbelievably Francesca and Millie were pulled in as reserve champions! For a little 4 year old pony mad girl is was a big deal for her and to wipe the grin off her face would have been near impossible!
I must take a moment to say how generous it is for this show to provide prizes for showing! It really doesn't happen a lot anymore and it really does top it off for youngsters winning a prize they can take home and use again and again - we still have the bucket and the magic brush Francesca won here last year! So thank you very much to Cambridge & District Riding Club for their great show! Wonderful judges, stewards and secretaries!

With a very happy girlie we headed back to the trailer again for lunch and to hear all about how Francesca rode and to enjoy the sunshine! Beanie was by this point thoroughly bored and wondered when he was going to get a turn, so Georgie and I got him ready and made our way over to the jumping rings to take part in the Eventer Trial challenge. The upside of having a bit of rain this week is that the ground was absolutely perfect for jumping as it had a nice bit of give in the ground so it wasn't too hard and with a good grass coverage you couldn't have asked for better conditions.
To say B was a little fresh would be an understatement! He was positively brimming with energy and was flying over the practice jumps with absolute exuberance! Plus with gymkhanas going on in the adjacent field with lot's of shouting, whooping and hollering only made B bounce around even more. It was like looking after a 3 year old colt again while Georgie went and walked the course, it probably didn't help Millie was neighing so loud i'm sure Cottenham village could hear her! But after a quick course walk and assessment of the fences Beanie was in the ring and ready to go. The eventer challenge means that you firstly go up to the judge for a turn out and assessment of your horse, then after being given permission to start you go through the starting timer to jump your course of both cross country style fences (Barrels, a tiger trap, a large upright gate, a water tray, a style and a corner) as well as coloured show jumping fences. B absolutely flew round and we were both to see he'd finished on a nice clear round!
Shortly after everyone had finished there round and with a few getting caught out by some tricky fences such as the corner we had our day topped off by Georgie being called as the winner!
Overall yesterday really was one of the good days! It makes it so worth it went the sun is out, its dry, everyone is talkative and friendly and there was so rushing to get to our classes!
Millie was thoroughly tired out and fell asleep at the trailer, Francesca couldn't wait to use her brushes and Beanie had a really fun afternoon zooming over fences!
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