I am pretty proud of myself right now and that is because Erik and I did our first competition together. This also happened to be my first time riding in a show ring in about 15 years! Let me tell you that showing is a lot LOT harder than being a groom watching from the outside of the ring and helping when needed. Trying to get your horse to go as well as they can, while being judged by 2 people and then watched and no doubt critiqued by all the people watching and the other competitors watching too is very scary!
I went in to the weekends show with the rule of just have fun and the rest of it was just a bonus if I came anywhere. Excitedly I did come somewhere! I think back to when I used to show as a child and teenager and I obviously (and evidently because I used to think Showing wasn't that hard really) found it pretty easy. I was a darn good rider when I was younger as I rode a lot and really put a lot of effort in to it and also had some great lessons and pony club but when I got in the ring yesterday I realised how hard it actually is and how many things you need to juggle in your head all at the same time.
For me personally, having such a big horse who covers the ground so quickly, I had to be really aware of my speed and what others were doing. I also had to pay attention to what he was doing and how I went; were my heels down, did I have my hands up, my elbows in, and not letting my reins slip too long plus trying to make him work and look good. That's a lot to keep floating round in your head all at one time!
Obviously I wasn't 100% as I didn't win the class but for my first attempt I am very pleased with how we did. I was given the judges choice rosette which meant I was invited in to the Judges Choice Championship but with the weather being so hot on Sunday and our classes being 11.30 and 12 noon and the champs being at 5.30 it was just too long to wait outside and leave both B and Ronnie out in the field all day so we decided that burgers a glass of prosecco and an ice cream before packing up the big chap and heading home.
It's safe to say my fitness still has a way to go because a busy Saturday preparing everything and then the show on the Sunday I got home that evening absolutely tired out! I think sometimes we run so much on adrenaline and nerves you don't feel how tired you are till you stop and sit down!
I do have my next event in mind for next weekend but I am hoping that this today and this weekends forecast rain is enough to make the going less hard. We shall have to see but I am getting a bit nervous just thinking about it.
My plan is to continue to work Erik in his double bridle and work on keeping my reins short, hands up with thumbs on top and elbows in!
Oh, and couldn't end it without a load of photos. Thank you so much for capturing our day Chantal!

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