Wow, how nice was it to have 4 days off in a row? It can't just be me! I know the weather hasn't been ideal as it's rained incessantly and most things have been rained off but we were lucky to either inside or on a surface.
Saturday was spent with Chantal at Puckeridge Hunt's Point to Point meet at Horseheath. It was bitterly cold and we had a couple of showers but nothing a hat and gloves couldn't solve. I especially enjoyed it as I've bought a new DSLR Canon camera so it was my first real opportunity to snap away and get some good photos! Practice of course makes perfect.
Sunday was a nice lay in followed by going with Mum and Georgie to Palace House in Newmarket for a ROR dressage and flat work lesson with the wonderful Louise Robson. For those of you that haven’t heard of Louise, she has HRH horses Quadrille and Prince’s Trust and has taken them up the ranks of dressage!
We’d never had a lesson with Louise before and it has been some time since B had a flat work/dressage lesson so I was definitely looking forward to see how B would get on and I know Georgie was keen to put him through his paces.
We were definitely not disappointed! Although B protested at having to work muscles he hasn’t worked before/in a long time he went amazingly! As mentioned he did protest when at first found it hard and did the odd buck but once he settled in and realised he wasn’t going to get off lightly he worked in well and actually really enjoyed himself. Georgie did too and with having to work so hard her wonky shoulder didn’t even get a chance to make an appearance. No lopsided riding for you G!
Louise also got some poles out and got him really lifting his legs up and under himself and he looked a picture. I even managed this picture at the end where he is completely holding himself; as you can see from Georgie’s loose reins!

He came out sweaty but happy and tired! Georgie also was all smiles at how well B had worked and was quickly asking for more lessons! So watch out for reports from those..
On a bit more of a soggy Monday we were at a pony club Easter fun rally with many of Frankie’s friends! The aim is to get the horses to dress up in their most creative outfits, both horses and riders! Frankie and Georgie has been papier-macheing and had made Frankie a bunny rabbit bonnet. Ronnie had been embezzled with flashing egg lights, pink bows and a glitter rabbit painted on his bottom! Once worked up and in their groups the children took part in mounted games/gymkhana activities of bending round poles, throwing bean bags, putting cups on poles, ‘ride and run’ and cantering to the end and running over pots. All very exciting and fun both to take part in and watch.
Once they were done of course the heavens opened when back at the yard so it was a rush to get everything unloaded and the horses wrapped up in their beds away from the deluge!
I made my way home and forced myself to do the chores I’d put off doing since Friday afternoon and finished by flopping on the sofa and watching TV for the rest of the evening and writing this blog, as back to work tomorrow!
What did you all get up to with your horses and ponies?
Don’t eat too many Easter Eggs!
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