I’ve had a very busy few months so keep looking out for all of those as I will be doing write ups of everything I’ve been up to.
As I am sure some of you will know, I work for Discover Newmarket booking all the tours of all things racing in Newmarket. They recently just released the first of their Champion Trainer tours visiting John Gosden at his yard at Clarehaven, going out onto the Warren Hill gallops with him and then visiting Godolphins breeding operation at Dalham Hall to meet Golden Horn (previously trained by John Gosden). Knowing my mother to be a big racing fan and it being her birthday in June I bought Mum and I a place on the tour.
On Monday 25th July Mum and I woke early to be ready for meeting our guide Larry at Bedford Lodge. I was in full visitor mode rather than work mode, therefore I am going to write this blog and review as a visitor and not employee!
It’s absolutely beautiful at Bedford Lodge, having popped up there a couple of times before so I was excited to see everyone who had booked on the tour and enjoy the day. At 8am it was lovely sunshine and not too hot (which is nice seeing as we’ve had a heat wave) so we all loaded onto the bus and made the short journey up to Clarehaven.
As we drove in it’s clear to see it’s a quaint but large busy yard. There were both work riders and yard grooms milling about! We were met by an assistant trainer and taken to the trotting ring as the horses were moments from being pulled out ready for second lot.
Driving past all the boxes and seeing the horses poke their heads out to see what was going on was really lovely! And before long we were parked up in a large grassy field just a stones throw from the large trotting ring. It was clear very soon why it was so large, as second lot consisted of about 40 to 50 horses! Now that is what you call a string! And understandably as he has as many as 170 horses in training at Clarehaven.
Moments later John Gosden walked over very relaxed, greeted us and said good morning! You could immediately feel his presence as a trainer but also his warm and friendly nature. Reading his Wikipedia it quotes from a Los Angeles Times article - “He is the Big Easy with a sly smile, a wry wit, and a charismatic charm” and I think this is pretty accurate.
He started informing us about various horses that he had in training; and it was a pleasure to see his King George runner up Wings of Desire sauntering around the ring so relaxed you wouldn’t have thought it ran only 2 days before. I spotted a lovely moving filly which pointed her toes so beautiful I whispered to Mum that I thought she’d make a nice show horse, only for John to mention moments later that she was an un-named Frankel offspring! I must be getting a good eye (or so I like to think).
After being quizzed by various visitors about all aspects of racing Mr Gosden then announced that we’d better move off to Warren Hill to watch the horses exercise, so after a quick drive around the corner we were at the top of Warren Hill ready for his horses to canter. John attentively answered question after question and gave more information about many his large string of horses and it was wonderful to be that close while they worked. John is so knowledgeable about not just his own horses but about their sires, their owners or breeders as well as being quizzed about Frankel and other horses that haven’t been trained by him.
At the end of Mr Gosdens string, they were soon followed by Luca Cumani’s and we said good morning to him and watched as his string cantered in sets of 3 up Warren Hill. We even spotted our pal Becky and she got a sneaky wave in mid canter! Multitalented aye Becky!

A quick hi to Marco Botti as he walked past and we were back onto the bus to head back to the Bedford Lodge for a much needed late breakfast brunch. Mum being very good had a Spanish omelette, while I figured it was a treat and had a full English! It was absolutely delicious and it was wonderful to sit with some lovely ladies and have a very in depth chat about flat racing, jump racing, Kauto star to name just a few!
Bellies full and bladders empty we again got on our lovely coach and made our way to Dalham Hall. Now way back when, when I was about 10-12 years old (I can’t recollect exactly) I had a friend in school who’s mum worked for Godolphin and she very kindly took me and her Daughter Hannah around Dalham Hall; I even have photos somewhere of me patting little baby foalies! So to be able to visit and see it again was wonderful. Although my memory isn’t that great I am certain that it has changed a lot since I first visited!
Walking up to the main reception was more like visiting a beautiful modern hotel; with an immaculate garden and grass that looked better quality than a professional football pitch! And of course fertilised by their very own horses manure. Talk about recycling! There was large silver trophies and dishes that had been won in various high profile races that gleamed through immaculately polished glass fronted windows and as a sweet little touch were various racing silks frosted into the glass.
We were greeted by a very nice irish gentleman named David who greeted us warmly and showed us the way to their stallion boxes. On arrival we were shown the grave stones of various high profile racehorses and show jumpers which I thought was lovely that they remembered so many of their horses fondly, namely the champion Dubai Millennium who is so sadly missed. They even had a head stone for ‘The best foster mum ever’ Dolly, who Mum surprisingly remembered when she visited with me all those years ago, asking David “Was she a coloured cob mare” to which she was told she was. Funny how you remember all those years later?!

We then walked past the absolutely immaculate thick wooden doors with solid brass fittings (expertly polished I should add) all beautifully painted and kept. Some stallions were still out in the field but we got to see Dubawi, Casamento and Outstrip in their boxes before meeting the new ‘wonder boy’ Golden Horn. Now, if you’ve ever spoken to me about Golden Horn I’d have told you from looking at him in pictures that he’s not that handsome and his mane and forelock needed a good trim (the groom in me never rests it seems) but meeting him in the flesh, he is absolutely beautiful! I eat my hat for all those times I said he

He’s got presence but not in a cocky way, but in a more refined way where he actually looks quite a gentleman. Well, apart from the nipping and biting but he is a stallion mind you. He walked away and back with a relaxed element but he tracked up beautifully and really did make me say wow. His coat and colouring is so beautiful and striking, being a dark bay but with this stunning light bay dappled all over his side. Just look at him!
We were informed that unfortunately he does chew his own tail, which is why it looks so straggly, but they can’t all be perfect! He was then put back in his box and immediately stuck his head out to give us just as much of a look over as we’d given him! We were then shown to the covering area and told about all aspects of the stallions covering schedules and all the ins and outs (no pun intended) of running a stud farm. There were some brood mares with their foals at foot that we got to watch being taken to their fields and see them up close when they were out. No matter how many foals I see I still go slightly higher pitched; they’re just so cute!
Back on the coach we were driven around the private area of the studs where Sheikh Mohammad’s personal mares and foals are kept, shown Janahs headquarters as well all the other foal units.
It really was a wonderful tour! I cannot express enough just how good it was to meet John Gosden in person and ask him questions and have him answer them honestly and informatively. He’s such a lovely man, so if you get the opportunity to meet him or go on one of these tours then I highly recommend you do!
Meeting Golden Horn really was wonderful, he is absolutely stunning and just a very cool horse to meet; he’s so chilled and has taken to being a stallion like it’s nothing at all!
New Datest released - Tuesday 30th August and Monday 19th September. Click to book - £125!
If you want more info on any tours that Discover Newmarket host then please visit our website at discovernewmarket.co.uk or email me at admin@discovernewmarket.co.uk.
Alternatively if you’d like to call us to 0344 748 9200 to discuss with us our others tours or we can build something bespoke for you!
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