I am so excited and can barely write this post to be honest! As regular readers will know I've constantly said I cannot afford to buy a horse so when the opportunity arose to loan one and a horse that looked absolutely perfect for me, I jumped at the chance.
Last Sunday I went on a warm evening to go and have a ride on and see a beautiful 18hh warmblood who has done a bit of everything. I tried him and he went beautifully for me, so after many phone calls, text and questions a week later we were on our way to pick him up and i'd been picked to be his loan home aka Step Mum for a while!
He rolled up to the yard in the trailer solid as a rock, unloaded like a gentleman and took everything in on the walk down to a small 'nursery' paddock where he walked straight in, looked about for a second and quick as you like stuck his head down to eat the grass like it was no big deal. He munched while I unloaded the car with all his equipment and put it all away safe, and when it came time to come in to his new stable he walked in no trouble, had a look for a moment and popped his head in his feed bucket; once that was finished in to a large pile of hay. He was safely tucked in to his new bed without any incident and settled in like a champ.
Me on the other hand hardly slept a wink that night worrying "was he happy and settled in his bed" and "what if the thunder storm came!?"
Well of course the thunder storm didn't come and I needn't have worried as he had taken his first night with no trouble and hadn't stressed at all!
Trying to take it slowly for a while as new arrival but also wanting him to see his new home, Georgie and I decided a 'walk round the block' aka round the short tracks near the yard and that that wouldn't over face him, so after mucking out and breakfast we went back to the yard to tack up and ride before it got too hot and muggy.
He stood while being tacked up like a champ (not fidgeting around like some horses) considering he had moved in less than 24 hours earlier and after Beanie and Ronnie were ready we mounted up and were ready to go.

Now.. it's been years, something like 15 years in fact, since Georgie and I rode out together on all 'our own' horses (I've borrowed friends horses for hacks out) so Mum wanted to commemorate it with a picture!
I must admit I was a little nervous when we set off; I wasn't sure how Eck would react to hacking out in a new area that he hadn't ever been before but I really shouldn't have worried as he took everything in and didn't spook at all. He walked confidently behind Beanie and Ronnie who showed us the way. We didn't go too far and took it easy as he isn't entirely fit but I had the best time and feel so lucky to have him. He's such a BGG (Big Gentle Giant) and is a total gentleman, standing while being mounted and doesn't rush or push. I look forward to our time together and us getting fit and learning together. I have a wonderful horse to teach and show me the ropes and to gain a really nice partnership with, even if it's not permanently!
So everyone, meet Elixir aka Eck or Erik and I hope you're looking forward to seeing what we are up to as much as I am looking forward to doing it!
Over and out,
Sophie! x
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