It seems like spring really has final sprung. The weather seems to continue it's warm sunny streak and we haven't had too much rain so it's all really rather nice. Lot's of grass coming through and summer coats coming through too!
Continuing on with their summer journey together is B and Ollie who are hoping to have a fun and successful time at some county shows this season and in order to do that practice is on the cards. Specifically jumping..
As friends and longer term followers of this blog will know b has done rather well at the Retraining of Racehorses Challenge classes and that of course involves jumping. For an ex flat horse, b does have a rather impresses engine behind. Which is great for clearing fences but can be rather intimidating for his rider. Let's just say he usually likes to have a nice bit of daylight between his legs and the poles.
So after a bit of at home training 'Team Orange' Ollie and B went for a nice day out at Houghton Hall Equestrian Centre for some unaffiliated show jumping. As Ollie has done about as many jumping courses as you can count on both hands we didn't want to overwhelm her. It is scary jumping a horse that isn't yours after all. Trust me, It is!
So the first class entered was the 2'6"; we seemed to have timed our arrival to perfection and just as we arrived the class beforehand was finishing. B travelled beautifully in our new transport so was in a very good mood upon unloading. While Ollie and G went to enter Mum, Donna and I tacked up Beanie. With all 3 of us it took no time at all and within a few minutes he was ready and Ollie was on board.
We left Georgie and Ollie to walk round to the arena and have a quiet pep talk while the team kept out the way. In which time I was reminded of why we generally steer clear of show jumping events and bling but the less said about that the better (ha)!
I went off to do my grooming duties of looking after B while Georgie and Ollie went off to walk the course. It was, from viewing, a rather well put together course with some nice questions but was a good use of the large outdoor arena. With B being a big horse he struggles with small arena and tight bends so I at least was really glad the warm up arena was the indoor arena and the course in the outdoor one. For a small event it was quite well supported with quite a lot of people entered but after walking the course Ollie was back on board and ready to warm up. It seemed B's good mood remained and he was mentally in a very good place. He wasn't rushing into fences and was listening to Ollie's instructions. Being a relative giant compared to Ollie I forget how big B is and how much shorter Ollie is to Georgie, sometimes she can look a little like a pea on a drum but being an absolutely fabulous jockey it doesn't seem to matter at all!

Keen Bean!
After a quick warm up B and Ollie were in the ring and starting their round. It went rather nicely but a little more power was needed and a bit more impulsion as getting a bit close to fence 10 sadly B knocked a pole. But other than a little slower than everyone else and 4 faults they did amazingly. I had never seen Ollie so focused before and I am sure she won't mind me saying a little bit nervous. They did amazingly. Their first jumping round together and only a pole down, what a super little team they make!
We gathered to discuss the round and see how ollie felt, and other than a bit hot and relieved they were rather happy. Tips were exchanged and confirmation that Ollie wanted to do the next bigger round! They were going so well they figured why not do a bigger course. Same jumps and course, only bigger!
Not long later they were called back into the ring and ready to go ahead. This time instructed to have a little bit more impulsion (not speed, power as Ben Hobday has advised us about jumping) and to relax her hands into the fence about 3 strides out so he could lengthen and engage that powerful bum!
The round flowed beautifully, but B had gotten a little keen so a circle was in order to stop him rushing into a fence and going too quickly. He does tend to like to zoom round and this was all a learning experience! With just 2 poles down and no fault of Ollie's (B rushed and tried to think he knew better) they had completed another nice round. He really did fly round!
Ollie, B and the team all made our way back to the trailer to chat enthusiastically about the round and enjoy some yummy pastries that Mum and G had made! Well done ladies for keeping us all fed. B really was still in a great mood and Ollie all smiles about their first jumping compeition together. B isn't the easiest horse to ride as with every fence he gets more and more keen for the next jump! They both did amazingly and it's safe to say we are extremely proud of them both! Especially Ollie, it's hard to get to know a horse in a few weeks and then go out and jump together!
No placing's on this occasion but that wasn't what yesterday was about. It was about Ollie and B learning together and getting to know each others style! They did so well! It went be long now until Suffolk County Show so we're all looking forward to that, as well as attending other clinics and small competitions to help them both grow in confidence together.
We're all looking forward to the summer and getting out together for Team Orange competitions!
Hope to see some of you there!
Sophie x
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