Wow, what an amazing couple of days away I've had!
I drove down on Monday afternoon to the beautiful Salford Hall Hotel and checked in straight away, quick to get to my room to rest and soak in the excitement of being somewhere I had never been before! I found this little beauty on months back and was excited to finally arrive. I met up with ROR main coordinator extraordinaire Anne and her lovely husband John that evening and had lunch before getting an early night!
I got woken up at 5.30am by another guest next door (the hotels had oddly thin walks) and from then on basically couldn't get back to sleep. Does anyone else get worried that they'll fall asleep again and don't hear their alarm and miss whatever important thing you have lined up, or is that just me? Anyway, I got up eventually and got ready to make my way down for breakfast. We were making good time so decided to leave earlier to avoid traffic! I am glad we did cause the queues were getting busy for the first day of the infamous Festival!
Upon arrival we made our way to the stables to see the ROR horses who had arrived and were getting ready. I was very lucky to have a cuddle with the lovely Annacotty and Dodging Bullets! John and I headed in and set up the ROR van!

The morning seemed to be whizzing by and the clouds and rain had cleared to a lovely mild sunny morning which was most welcome from the rain and mud! I nipped down to get my gilet it was so warm in my coat and popped by the stables to see how everyone was getting on. The atmosphere was of nervous excitement but the horses remained very chilled at this point.
Back up at the course the racegoers and punters were streaming in and in no time at all the horses were announced as making their way up the course. Chantal very kindly lent me her wonderful camera to capture some pictures of the horses! Leading the string of ex racehorses was Cheltenham hero Annacotty who was so chilled for the big stage! A couple of the horses had clearly picked up on the atmosphere and had got a little excited and warm but everyone did amazingly to keep them calm and happy. Luke Harvey interviewed Katie Jerram-Hunnable while she gave some information over the tanoy about the retraining process. Interviews then came out and spoke to some of the riders while they walked round the ring; notably Clare who rides the one eyed wonder horse Back in Focus, Hannah who rides Annacotty and Lizzie who rides Wild West. I felt such a swell of pride everyone looking so immaculate and flying the flag for the Retraining of Racehorses!
Here are some of the photos I took!
In what seemed like a blink of an eye the parade was over and the horses were making their way back to the stables for a well earned wash off, polos and to relax now their job was done! I must say it was amazing to see such a large turn out of racegoers who had gathered around the parade ring to see Cheltenham heros old and new! The more people come to watch and listen is how we get the important message of the work that the ROR do! So thank you to all those who attended!
It was at this point that the racegoers realised that the racing was about to begin. The runners for the hotly anticipated first race made their way into the parade ring and the electric atmosphere could really be felt! I was able to get a position in front of the big screen and watch as the race unfolded. As the starter waved the flag to signify the 'off' the notorious Cheltenham Roar could be heard and I definitely got goose pimples of excitement; I could feel the hairs on my arms stand on end!
I was so willing Kalashnikov home but he was pipped at the line by Summerville Boy. Gutting, but that is racing!
The day zoomed by and after manning the ROR van, watching a couple more races and taking some more photos it was time for the van to be picked up and we were finished. I had bumped into a friend not long before who very kindly got me a ticket for an after party and said to meet up shortly. I was then able to have a good look round the shops and other attractions before making my way in to the party. I had such a fun evening dancing away and meeting new people! What seemed like an early finish at 8pm came and last orders had been called so I made my way back to my car for the journey home.
After being awake so long you'd like I'd be feeling tired and sleepy on the way home but that was not the case. I think it must have been the adrenaline!
I am already thinking about going back as a racegoer next year so I can really take in the atmosphere and get to see so much more! Plus I want to get dressed up!
Did anyone else go? Or have you been enjoying the coverage on the TV?
Sophie x
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