Wow, what a whirlwind season we've had! With Georgie's having her little girl and Ollie competing B over the summer months we've certainly had quite a lot going on! On the back end of Georgie's success at Ashwell show as her first small show back, we went to our old favourite stomping ground of Gransden Agricultural Show for a few classes and for Georgie to have a 'last hooray' to end the show season at a larger show and check she hadn't forgotten what to do in the ring!
With it being unusual that the show is held on a Saturday and not a Sunday, like most shows, we were up the yard plaiting with torches and stable lights til about 9 o'clock at night!

Once home it was straight to bed as we had to get up at 5am, to leave at 6am to arrive at the show ground for approximately 7am! And that we did, as we were the very first people to arrive at the horse box park! We got a lovely quiet place in the corner and started getting B ready, as Georgie was in the ring at 8.30am and we wanted her up and on board for 8am at the latest to warm him up and get him used to everything.
In no time at all Georgie was in the ring for the Riding Horse class and had started; there were approximately 10 in the class (sorry, I didn't count, I was a bit blurry eyed at that time in the morning) but the ground was perfect, the show ground still relatively quiet and the judge focused on watching everyone. We were of course very pleased for Georgie to be pulled into the second spot for the ride and confirmation judging and he'd been such a good boy!
I got into the ring to help Georgie and bless her, one of the first things she said was how she had jelly legs from nerves as it had been a while since she'd been in this atmosphere! The judge got on Beanie and they set off for their rider together in which B didn't put a foot wrong and gave her a lovely ride around. I stripped him of his saddle and popped a rug over his loins to keep him warm in his brisk morning air and waiting to be called out for confirmation judging, to which, after a brief wait while the rest of the competitors had their ride judging, he was pulled out to trot up and he floated around the ring. I swear he loves to point his little toes and strut!
Now for the moment of truth, as the competitors were asked to walk around the ring and wait to be pulled in for the judges final placings. I stood nervously at the side of the ring with me fingers crossed silently talking into my head willing the judge to like B. Much to our excitement he was pulled in the first position spot and had won the class! Georgie was evidentially over the moon and the smile on her face told it all! She'd won a beautiful red rosette and been given a silver plait to keep for a year as a trophy!
After a quick bite to eat and a chill out at the trailer Georgie decided she'd like to take part in the ring championship and see how she would fair against all the other class winners, including a seasoned HOYS winner so I'm told. B has been on such good form this summer why the hell not go back in and see how he would get on. He, again, went absolutely beautifully in the Championship and came away with the reserve champion placing which of course we were delighted about. Missing that champion spot to friends so we didn't mind at all!

And now to wait.... as our next class wasn't until about 3pm! Unfortunately B has a mind that is on the go the whole time and cannot just stand at the trailer snoozing, he wants to be hand grazed or played with and given attention. So to have a bit of a break I went off with baby Fenella and went and watched the carriage driving and side saddle classes, much to both of our amusement. I love watching the elegance of both side saddle and carriage driving and makes me which I could go back in time and experience them when they were the height of transport and getting around!
After a couple of hours it was time to get back to my grooming duties and have B ready for his Retraining of Racehorse ridden class and after a new set of amateur rules were introduced when the TARRA and ROR classes were combined to make the RoR AMATEUR Ridden Show Series it meant horses that have been on producers yard or showing producers couldn't take part meant that there were just 3 horses in the ridden class. B went on to strut his stuff in a show ridden by Georgie and watched by the skillful eye of Sue Rawding. We were very pleased that B kept his pulled in position of first place!
Immediately followed by a ROR Championship that Gransden show put on (as it's not an official ROR championship as they are held at other shows such as Royal International or the ROR Championship show) and an unfortunately timed ancient tractor being started at the exact time B was transitioning from his trot meant he showed a slight spook, which I cannot blame him for, it sounded like a massive shotgun blast, and lost the championship to take the reserve spot again!
Despite that we went home absolutely illated with how Georgie and B had got on. Bearing in mind that she hasn't done a large proper show since 2016! She got some beautiful ribbons, money and prizes and could end the season on a high!
Now for a really fun winter of jumping, drag hunting, and cross country and being allowed to get muddy and furry! B loves pracing around and looking gorgeous in the summer months but also loves not being wrapped in cotton wool and being able to do some jumping and whizzing around the muddy countryside!
We hope you've had an amazing season and have a wonderful winter time!
Keep an eye out for what we get up to
Sophie x
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