Monday, 1 October 2018

Working Towards Showing

Ah this morning was so exciting for me and I cannot wait to tell you why. Well, it's because I did my first schooling session in a pelham with double reins with Erik. 
That might not sound like much or a big deal but to me it definitely is. Firstly, it' marks the inception of our showing journey together and secondly it's the first time I've ridden with double reins for years that isn't on a polo pony! I'm talking fully needing to prance around a menage, not canter after a ball with a big mallet in my hand with a hand full of reins in the other. 
I have bought Erik a brand new show bridle which is currently on it's way to me so while I wait for it to arrive I thought I'd give the one he came with a whirl. It hasn't actually been used yet and bless him, looks more like a police horse bridle than a show bridle but it does the job. It's got a thin nose band which doesn't show off his gorgeous face but it has 2 reins (one plaited and one plain) and it has the pelham with curb and lip strap so it's alright for what it is!
Anyway, so this morning I took the morning off work as our Farrier Chris was coming to shoe Erik so I took the opportunity to use my extra time to have a schooling session.

Mum and I fitted the bridle and made sure the bit wasn't too high or the curb too tight and after a bit of fiddling and some extra holes punched in we were good to go. I had washed our numnah the night before so it was all nice and clean and before tacking up Erik I faffed about and gave him go faster stripes, amen, quarter marks I mean lol, in the style a la Valegro!
At 6.30am I made my way into the school and was surprised that Erik wasn't giving me his best giraffe impression but was walking long and low and stretching his back. Excellant I thought and hoped for good vibrations. Alas I was right and when I gathered him up gently he responded by rounding nicely and feeling nice and supple. 
Having not ridden with double reins for years (and I literally mean years since I was in the show ring riding, think like, 15 years ago) I made sure I had soft light hands and had a light contact on the bottom rein so I wasn't using the lever action of the pelham. I am quite aware that it's a strong bit and didn't want to 'force' any movements but actually ask for them and him respond.
Which he did, beautifully. I kept up the variety instead of just going round and round the school and did a variety of circle sizes having Erik bend around my leg and not up his speed, both of which he did beautifully and I felt like a really nice 'picture'.
I am quite conscious of how I look riding, not out hacking and such but if I am going to be showing I want to make sure that Erik and I are a nice 'overall picture' to look at rather than someone that makes you wince and wish you'd get off or leave the arena.
We also practiced out canter transitions, something I've been working on, as I want sit and squeeze canter transitions not flap kicking or clicking. For a big horse you really need to 'sit' your canter aid and that's not always easy with a big horse who has a rather active trot. Luckily since my lesson with Mum a couple of Mondays ago I've perfected them and he comes up nicely!
I've also been checking/practicing my gallop; as Erik is a chunky 18.1 warmblood he does fit the hunter type quite nicely and these ridden hunter classes do require a gallop along the long side. At present I am reluctant to ask for more than an extended canter as the ground is hard and a school that needs harrowing it's an ideal place for it. I can only continue to pray for rain (i've been hoping and praying for weeks now but alas still not a drop) so that I can give him a nice canter up the hill and see how he can move. I'm sure it's not a problem for this very well schooled chap!

After my schooling session I tagged along with Mum while she took our wonderful dalmatian Daisy for a walk and really we are so lucky with the fantastic views around the yard! I then got back to the yard and mucked my field and waited for Chris to arrive.
I’ll do a write up tomorrow of what Chris did and share some before and after photos because they really are staggering in the difference. 
This evening we have had a hay and straw delivery so I’m even more tired than I was this afternoon from throwing bails in the air up to Georgie.
Now for an early night to rest up!

Can’t wait for my new purchases to arrive tomorrow!

Sophie over and out x

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