Monday, 1 October 2018

Our First Suffolk Show

Now that the weather is finally warming up, Georgie, Mum and I took our first trip to South Suffolk Show at the weekend. We've been unable to attend before due to events clashing but this year was set to be a scorcher!!
And that it was, it was blisteringly hot! So when we arrived at South Suffolk Show, after being stuck in tail back traffic Beanie was positively sweating.. not a great start! To then top it off Mum comes rushing over telling us that she'd been told our class was the next class to go into the ring. Baring in mind Beanie was still drying from being washed off and Georgie was still in jeans and a tshirt! 
Georgie and I literally kicked into another gear! It was all hands on deck.. well, except Mum who was quietly ranting about how we were late and how we were going to miss our class! 
So with me grooming and Georgie practically throwing on her show gear we rushed like mad hatters to get to our class and not be late. Those who show will know that being late for your class is a big no no with judges!
Once Georgie was dressed in some sort of record speed, I practically threw on Beanie's tack and legged Georgie up to trot over to her ring..
Well... we got there only to find that in fact there was two more classes before ours and we had about a 45 minute wait or so. I basically ran to the ring and promptly nearly passed out from how hot I was and needed a drink ASAP!

Georgie, now with plenty of time to spare went off to work B in and get his mind on the job, and I just tried desperately to cool off!
After a while both side saddle classes had finishing and we were just about ready. I managed to give Beanie a good brush over as he had got hot warming up and I could put some final touches on such as hoof oil and oil on his face and knees etc.

symmetricalIn the wait I was asked could I do quarter marks for two good friends so of course I obliged. I'd been practicing rigorously at work with any horses I could get my hands on so i'd made head way on making them near, even and symmetrical. My practice ones look pretty good, right?

 Without further ado, all horses made their way into the ring; well it seem became apparent them some horses were calmer and better schooled than others..And when I say that I mean that some were basically mini rearing, bucking and jumping around the ring. Which much to the annoyance of many competitors I'm sure, it then distracted other horses and the knock on effect was then that people were cutting each other up, circling and getting much too close to the bottoms of the horses in front. 
Sadly for us B is one of those latter horses who doesn't like other horses practically on his hocks! Plus news flash competitors - you're not doing yourself any favours as your horse cannot flow and lengthen their stride. Take it from me when I say just do a circle and find more space! The judges and other competitors will thank you! And if your horse is (frankly) being an arse, please do what everyone is thinking and bow out of the ring. The judge is already going to not look kindly on your horse, but the ride judge is also going to be unlikely to want to ride your horse either.

Anyway, moving on.. So the aforementioned situation meant Beanie got a little bit too tense and did what the judge called a 'hump' (basically raising his back and bum as if wanting to buck) while being asked to gallop along the long side which didn't help. Otherwise he'd been very well behaved.. Alas Georgie was pulled into the line up a little disappointingly in 6th position.

Now was the time for me to go into the ring and go to work. I whipped off B's tack as soon as possible as he was asked to be the first horse presented for the conformation judge. Luckily a little stand had done him good and he chilled back out again, so when standing up for the conformation judge he stood lovely and did a nice little trot up too, giving the judge plenty of time to see him move.
Now that we were lined up it was tack back on and giving me time to brush him off, make him all shiny again and adjust anything I felt needed doing.
Now it was just a matter of waiting, watching the other horses being ridden by the ride judge and seeing how they got on. 
Surprisingly a good few horses in the start of the line up's were naughty with the ride judge; napping, throwing their heads about and generally being little blighters!

I adjusted the stirrups and in no time at all it was B's turn for the ride judge. She legged up and he walked off cool as a cucumber.. He did a lovely relaxed and fluid show, doing nice smooth transitions and when 'parked' back up with us stood nicely for the judge to dismount. It was a ride that both Georgie and I were pleased with. 

Once all of the horses had been ridden and given their due diligence the deliberations started. I waited on anxiously to see how Beanie would fair after his little mishap earlier. The judges pulled in a lovely big ex point to pointer of Martin Wards first, then the lovely fellow ginger Purple Moon and to our surprise and delight Beanie was given third place. Not bad considering the earlier rush and the fact the go around was crazier than a box of frogs!

A little lap of honour and a rather excited buck from Beanie later we were exiting the ring. Lucky the rosettes had already been given cause Beanie was obviously pleased to be moved up 3 places, or was in the loud applause..?!

With this being our one and only class we were done for the day! I'm not going to lie but I was rather pleased to be able to put on my short and strappy top and cool down, I was absolutely melting so I don't know how the riders felt in all their jackets, jods and long boots!
I also noted that i'd done the quarter marks on the horses who'd come second, third and fourth.. can't be too bad can they!! 

Here is a few photos afterwards, back at the box. Not too bad considering the rush

Next stop Suffolk County Show, let's hope it can be a repeat of last year!!

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