Monday, 1 October 2018

Suffolk Show Woes

Sorry for the late update, I've been busy busy with my new horse Erik! Thursday saw the return of Suffolk County Show for us and we were really looking forward to it. B had been absolutely mega days before with Louise at her Dressage schooling lesson and Keysoe Jumping Demo so we came in to Thursdays show happy with how he was going and how he looked. 
We were up crazy o'clock in the morning and I was down the yard at 3.30am. As I had only been at the yard for a few days I had forgotten the code for our store room. Knowing Georgie was due on her way here I called her to ask her for the code. I rang and she answered but with muffled rustling and then hung up. Undetered I called again and this time she answered "Oh my god I've turned my alarm off in my sleep, I'm coming!!" she shouted down the phone. I didn't get the code so I called Mum and let her know what was happening and could I have the code so I could feed the horses!
Oh to have a poorly child and not get to bed til midnight the night before a county show aye!

Anyway, it all worked out fine and we were on our way, picking our pal Chantal up on the way too and we made tracks as the sun came up. Well of course I didn't need the toilet before I left the yard, but 15 minutes in to the journey I was busting for a wee! Busting so much that I started feeling a bit sick and every bump in the road felt like a poke in the bladder. So without any further a-do Georgie pulled over 20 minutes from the venue and I had to get in to the trailer to use our porter loo. Thank god we have one! So me and B chilled in the back until we arrived.
Unloading quickly, we tacked up and got down to the collecting ring by 5.50am! No-one was around and it was really rather misty! 
With no time at the yard we had to plait at the show, something that no-one else had to do and but Mum put the 'peddle to the metal' and plaited up in record time and we were down at the ring with plenty of time to warm up again. By now the collecting ring was full of show jumpers, retrained racehorses and other horses being worked in. The mist still hadn't lifted and at 7.30am the call was made for the competitors to make their way in to the ring. A few less than usual 16 horses and riders made their way in to the grand ring and hoped they'd be able to see and be seen! 

Georgie had got Beanie going in a beautiful rhythm and he was going beautifully so we were pleased to be pulled in the initial line up in 3rd place. Judges came over and got ready and rode, for which B gave a lovely ride and went well; we were pleased with how he had got on. I stripped B of his saddle and he was walked out for the confomration judging, which is something he always does well as he stands like a rock and always puts his legs in the right position, trotting beautifully when asked. After that we waited while all over 16 horses were ridden and talked amongst ourselves until it was time came to get back on and the final pull in began. Unlike previous years the horses we not asked to walk round and be pulled in by the secretary but instead they remained in a line and the riders number called out. I had memorised Georgie's and waited silently. Sadly all 6 names were called out and not one of them was Georgie and B. To say I was shocked and a bit saddened was an understatement! He had been so well behaved the whole time in the ring, even when other placed horses had been considerably naughty and frisky. But that's showing I guess...

Time was now 9am and we all walked back to the trailer discussing the line up and our thoughts, then a great suggestion was made... "Prosecco anyone?!" was called out by Chantal... at 9am! We all had a giggle and summised in laughter that it was 4pm somewhere and the cork was popped and we laid out a large picnic breakfast/brunch for us all. 

 Proseccos in hand and after eating heartily Chantal and I went off to go and watch some other classes and also some livestock showing, cause that's always entertaining!
A couple of hours passed and we made our way back to the trailer to get B ready for the RoR Challenge class and were quietly hoping for a better result! 
As I mentioned above, B had been flawless at Keysoe with his jumping so wanted to see how he'd get on in this class. Plus we've been first or second in it for the last 2 or 3 years and it's a class Georgie very much enjoys. Each year it seems to get more and more popular and was sell supported this year! 
B was in early on and jumped a nice round but, sadly when trying to adjust his stride to get in correctly at the fence, started slipping and got in close and tried ever so hard to jump the fence but did end up taking a pole down. Never mind we thought you can still do well in these classes because they're based on a scoring system. 

After quite a long wait while everyone completed their round we were all finally called back in to the ring for the show part. By this time it has gotten very warm and muggy after the heavy clouds lifted and the midges were out. Sadly this is something B is quite susceptible to and it sets him nodding to try and get them away from his face. Of course with our days luck this started just as he was beginning to do his show and he was considerably distracted. He did however continue to try hard and did some lovely parts including a cracking gallop!
Sadly, again, he was unplaced and we came home from our first Suffolk Show without a rosette. The first time in 3 years so we did drive home a little crest fallen but not at all disappointed with B's behaviour. Flies we cannot help and judges ignoring naughty behaviour we cannot either!

 and upwards though as we now have our calendars ready for Royal Norfolk Show and hopefully better judging!

Sophie x 

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